Chin worthy thread, but have to flag you for trying to hard
Huh??? Sorry, I rode the short bus in school.
Chin worthy poast, but have to flag you for trying to hard
You think I am kidding, my first year in the US school I rode the short bus caz administration thought I was retarded because I did not speak English. SAD, but a true story.
Chin worthy thread, but have to flag you for trying to hard
Huh??? Sorry, I rode the short bus in school.
Chin worthy poast, but have to flag you for trying to hard
You think I am kidding, my first year in the US school I rode the short bus caz administration thought I was retarded because I did not speak English. SAD, but a true story.
Roaddawg still doesn't. Everything goes through Google translate.
You're in it to win it.
By winning, I men like beads and feathers and stuff.