1. USC - House Lannister: money, power, red, yellow. Kick out the alcoholics (eventually). Always disappointing their dads.
2. UCLA - House Tyrell: lots of money, but soft as fuck.
3. ASU - Sand Snakes: it's hot and the chicks will poison you.
4. Arizona - House Martell: it's hot and the chicks will poison you. Is there really a difference?
5. Utah - Wildlings: there's like one cool one, and the rest can LEAVE!!1! my conference.
6. Colorado - House Arryn: they're in the mountains and they suck. Except recently, kinda. Nah they suck.
7. Stanford - House Hightower: can't ever blame a kid that decides to get that Citadel education.
8. Cal - The Golden Company: big time rep, but they're just working off the stadium debt.
9. whOregon(lulz) - House Baratheon: had the throne, but sucked as soon as they lost the fat guy.
10. Beavs - House Frey: sure, they might ruin your season. But nobody takes them seriously.
11. Cuogs - House Greyjoy: ARRRRRRR!!1! Swing your sword!
12. UW - House Stark: King in da North! Tend to die in a fucking fire when we? go South.
Speaking of the South...*SPOILER ALERT*
13. Bama - House Targaryen: Roll Tide!