Find the dale jr. Forum and stay there. Take Boobielips with you. His credibility is gone too. Actually he never had any , he just squeaks by with his lifeless 13k posts. What a pathetic way to go through life. 80hrs/week on a message board
You ever let out one of those slow silent burner farts at work where you sort of hope nobody smells it but you sort of hope everyone does? I just did one of those.
Find the dale jr. Forum and stay there. Take Boobielips with you. His credibility is gone too. Actually he never had any , he just squeaks by with his lifeless 32,500 posts. What a pathetic way to go through life. 80hrs/week on a message board
Find the dale jr. Forum and stay there. Take Boobielips with you. His credibility is gone too. Actually he never had any , he just squeaks by with his lifeless 32,500 posts. What a pathetic way to go through life. 80hrs/week on a message board
You ever let out one of those slow silent burner farts at work where you sort of hope nobody smells it but you sort of hope everyone does? I just did one of those.
You ever let out one of those slow silent burner farts at work where you sort of hope nobody smells it but you sort of hope everyone does? I just did one of those.
You ever let out one of those slow silent burner farts at work where you sort of hope nobody smells it but you sort of hope everyone does? I just did one of those.
Swaye's lingering fart still has me hard.