I think you should do a free trial of the Wigwam, like when Showtime and HBO are on all weekend or the mlb package is on for a week.
In all seriousness, it is the very occasional *premium* content from some other site, and usually a couple threads a week of tits, or anal cucumber bombs. Also, Grundle added every playboy centerfold from like 1960 to near present, and there is a great BOUNCE thread going. Just pay the 129 to help Derek out, the tits are just icing on the cake.
Very fucking clever. YBFE. Sorry baabs.
I know - Cool story, bro.
Make a 7-11 badge and get paid by Sven.
Derek intends to squeeze us, he hates our oily palms and silk sweatpants, the way we pass ourselves off as real fans...