OMFG we look amazing. I don't even now what to say.
Even fucking Sterk looks amazing.
Obviously Jusssssstissssss Warren and Kyler Manu should join John Turner and Jesse Sosssseeeeeebbeeee at the bottom of useless lake, but whatever. We probably only have 10 useless players on our team.
Much better than having 10 usable ones like on Sarks teams.
OMFG we look amazing. I don't even now what to say.
Even fucking Sterk looks amazing.
Obviously Jusssssstissssss Warren and Kyler Manu should join John Turner and Jesse Sosssseeeeeebbeeee at the bottom of useless lake, but whatever. We probably only have 10 useless players on our team.
I love the tone, don't even need the "because we won 7 games last year" shit. Everyone knows we're legit but also knows they gotta work our asses off to get over the natty hump. Confident quiet intensity.
Except for Malloe, he looks like a dead man walking. tick tock tick tock.
No Ariel Ngata today.
He's fucking huge
Dollar bill off some glass?
I love the tone, don't even need the "because we won 7 games last year" shit. Everyone knows we're legit but also knows they gotta work our asses off to get over the natty hump. Confident quiet intensity.
Except for Malloe, he looks like a dead man walking. tick tock tick tock.