Just another cocksucker who took himself too seriously. Joke's on him, he ded. It must have been SO TUFF, SO HEARTBREAKING to be a rich rock star in America.
Anyone who would abandon his family by killing themselves gets no sympathy from me. Maybe that other dude that died he was all upset about ended his sex life.
One of my dads took me to buy hybrid theory at best buy. Then when I put it on in the car he said what is this bloody shit?! And turned it off.
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
Mosster, true?!?
I was in high school when that album came out and in a band. Our drummer brought that CD to practice one day and said they were going to be a huge band. I disagreed.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
One of my dads took me to buy hybrid theory at best buy. Then when I put it on in the car he said what is this bloody shit?! And turned it off.
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
Mosster, true?!?
I was in high school when that album came out and in a band. Our drummer brought that CD to practice one day and said they were going to be a huge band. I disagreed.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
One of my dads took me to buy hybrid theory at best buy. Then when I put it on in the car he said what is this bloody shit?! And turned it off.
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
Mosster, true?!?
I was in high school when that album came out and in a band. Our drummer brought that CD to practice one day and said they were going to be a huge band. I disagreed.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
311 is not going into the R&R HOF. Mosster STOp.
Text me when The Lovin' Spoonfuls get in. Oh they already did?
One of my dads took me to buy hybrid theory at best buy. Then when I put it on in the car he said what is this bloody shit?! And turned it off.
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
Mosster, true?!?
I was in high school when that album came out and in a band. Our drummer brought that CD to practice one day and said they were going to be a huge band. I disagreed.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
311 is not going into the R&R HOF. Mosster STOp.
Text me when The Lovin' Spoonfuls get in. Oh they already did?
Your move.
You can't point at the shittiest band in the HOF and assume any bad better than them is going to get in.
Plus they are easily five times more iconic than 311.
311 will not go into the R&RHOF. Get all the screenshots you need.
One of my dads took me to buy hybrid theory at best buy. Then when I put it on in the car he said what is this bloody shit?! And turned it off.
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
Mosster, true?!?
I was in high school when that album came out and in a band. Our drummer brought that CD to practice one day and said they were going to be a huge band. I disagreed.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
311 is not going into the R&R HOF. Mosster STOp.
Text me when The Lovin' Spoonfuls get in. Oh they already did?
Your move.
You can't point at the shittiest band in the HOF and assume any bad better than them is going to get in.
Plus they are easily five times more iconic than 311.
311 will not go into the R&RHOF. Get all the screenshots you need.
A band with one hit song during an era when shit bands had entire albums full of gold are iconic?
It was rough times growing up in my hood.
I saw them at Texas Stadium the day In the End hit #1. They were solid, but in no way someone to remember.
311 is and will always be the only Rap/Rock band worthy of the HoF. To be HoF material you have to have a sex symbol (Hexum) and a generational talent as a member (Chad Sexton).
Your move.
Plus they are easily five times more iconic than 311.
311 will not go into the R&RHOF. Get all the screenshots you need.
The Lovin' Spoonfuls are iconic? Quit digging.
Linkin Park is shit. Nu metal is shit.
Keep up the good work !!!