That is some dark shit, dude. The fact that some posters are rallying around you is even more disturbing. You have me contemplating if I even want to poast here anymore.
Listen, Adidas has the best unit's, the richest colors, the sharpest eye appeal. Nike is so 90's, UA is hunting apparel...adidas is the shit boys. Say it's so! By the way lipsticks, the photo pictured is Darks uni's. I like them a lot better than Pete's garbage. Sark had the real husky gold on pants plus bold classic stripes.
Tommy you're into fashion like Pup, although we agree our sexual orientation differs, you'd agree the current unit's need an upgrade. The purple is stale, the gold is too dirty and the design is nike dawgawful.
Pup says blend Sark 's gold pants less the stripes and dj's shiny purple jerseys and DONE!!!! No faggy geometry or lines. Just classic P@G in same style as Alabama, Texas, USC, Michigan (just solid fucking colors top and bottom, classic block #'s)
Put pump as head of design team. Id fire everyone, hire Tommy and a few hot bitches with design saavy and roll out early 90's colors with a subtle '17 flare for the players. Then accept a head design position with Adidas in my spare time. I'll take you with me Tommy don't worry...cant bring Jeremy on board though:(
UA outta the hunting game after their female spokesman filmed her Glug killing a bear with a homemade spear. Burn dat shit.
I'm done for the day.
And since pumpy not good at posting a picture, here it is.
I suppose I could post some shit polls like someone else on here.
carry on