You missed my point. You (or maybe it was someone else) essentially said that bring terror attacks upon ourselves but we were not involved in the slightest in Afghanistan when it happened.
Same shit with the Bali bombings. They murdered tourists and there were no Western troops in Indonesia.
Let's face it, there are too many Muslim countries that are screwed up and they only have themselves and their backwards values to blame. But of course that means they have to turn inward for solutions and that is a lot more work than blaming infidels and then killing them. It's always blame others for their crappy lives.
Did we have any troops in Afghanistan when cave dwelling Al-Qaeda planned and then executed the 9/11 attacks?
There was a recent Navy Seal operation in Yemen...not just for fun but because Al-Qaeda uses that failed state as a training / operations base.
It's FS that people can't understand these loser jihadists are looking for any little reason to kill infidels. But yeah, blame the West who continues to be suffer attacks from Muslim turds #yeahthatstheticket
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
Military occupation is super effective!
No terrorists in Afghanistan or Iraq, no sirree.
I mean, it's not like we're training terrorists in actual combat conditions or anything. One of the perverse outcomes of "the war on terror" is that only the smart ones live.
You missed my point. You (or maybe it was someone else) essentially said that bring terror attacks upon ourselves but we were not involved in the slightest in Afghanistan when it happened.
Same shit with the Bali bombings. They murdered tourists and there were no Western troops in Indonesia.
Let's face it, there are too many Muslim countries that are screwed up and they only have themselves and their backwards values to blame. But of course that means they have to turn inward for solutions and that is a lot more work than blaming infidels and then killing them. It's always blame others for their crappy lives.
Did we have any troops in Afghanistan when cave dwelling Al-Qaeda planned and then executed the 9/11 attacks?
There was a recent Navy Seal operation in Yemen...not just for fun but because Al-Qaeda uses that failed state as a training / operations base.
It's FS that people can't understand these loser jihadists are looking for any little reason to kill infidels. But yeah, blame the West who continues to be suffer attacks from Muslim turds #yeahthatstheticket
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
Military occupation is super effective!
No terrorists in Afghanistan or Iraq, no sirree.
I mean, it's not like we're training terrorists in actual combat conditions or anything. One of the perverse outcomes of "the war on terror" is that only the smart ones live.
The genesis of Al-Qaeda was the basing of US troops in Saudi Arabia after Gulf War 1. It's even in their mission statement. Every time we fuck around in the Middle East, there is some kind of stupid blowback. 1980's mujahedeen become 1990's Taliban. "Sons of Iraq" become ISIL, which becomes ISIS.
Reagan and Begin recognized this back in the 1980's, which is why they GTFO when things got weird.
And I don't think that "we bring terror attacks on ourselves," but we create handy targets for them by being in their neighborhood. Also, all the political instability creates a petri dish for terrorists and also gives them realistic training and access to weapons.
The latest wave of terrorism in Europe is a direct result of the Syrian civil war, which is a direct result of the Iraq civil war and botched occupation. Bush owns part of that by his administration's lack of planning beyond the "Mission Accomplished" poster, and Obama owns part of it via a failure to realistically plan for outcomes of the "Arab Spring" beyond magical wishing that the Arab states will all become liberal democracies, despite 1000 years of despotism and colonialism.
I'm shy to even talk about this stuff cause no one I know really cares.. and it'll probably get me added to some watch list.. so my friends at hardcore husky have to deal with it
If we're being honest probably everyone on here is on a watch list
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
I mostly don't give a shit. But I also know people that were injured in a rocket attack that was supposed to be in "retaliation" for a Mohammed cartoon party. It's best if we're not there to give them an outlet.
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
I mostly don't give a shit. But I also know people that were injured in a rocket attack that was supposed to be in "retaliation" for a Mohammed cartoon party. It's best if we're not there to give them an outlet.
So the old Duck, cover and run is the best policy?
It sounds like they got into your bucket a little while you were over there.
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
I mostly don't give a shit. But I also know people that were injured in a rocket attack that was supposed to be in "retaliation" for a Mohammed cartoon party. It's best if we're not there to give them an outlet.
So the old Duck, cover and run is the best policy?
It sounds like they got into your bucket a little while you were over there.
We've had troops in Afghanistan since 2001. In Iraq since 2003.
It's going great! Terrorism is going away and the world is safer! And Saddam had WMDs and we beat the hell out of the Taliban and that problem is totally solved and all the Arabs are going to throw out their dictators and sing kumbaya except for the dictators we like, those guys aren't going anywhere
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
I mostly don't give a shit. But I also know people that were injured in a rocket attack that was supposed to be in "retaliation" for a Mohammed cartoon party. It's best if we're not there to give them an outlet.
So the old Duck, cover and run is the best policy?
It sounds like they got into your bucket a little while you were over there.
We've had troops in Afghanistan since 2001. In Iraq since 2003.
It's going great! Terrorism is going away and the world is safer! And Saddam had WMDs and we beat the hell out of the Taliban and that problem is totally solved and all the Arabs are going to throw out their dictators and sing kumbaya except for the dictators we like, those guys aren't going anywhere
We've had troops in Japan and Germany for over 70 years, What's your point?
Keep apologizing for the savages AZ Its what you're good at. It also proves the point
If we pulled troops out of the Middle East, we wouldn't have to give a fuck about what the savages think. Some of them have palaces and orbs and $120 billion arms contracts with us.
And yet they are so savage a movie will trigger them. Thanks for making my point. Again
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
I mostly don't give a shit. But I also know people that were injured in a rocket attack that was supposed to be in "retaliation" for a Mohammed cartoon party. It's best if we're not there to give them an outlet.
So the old Duck, cover and run is the best policy?
It sounds like they got into your bucket a little while you were over there.
We've had troops in Afghanistan since 2001. In Iraq since 2003.
It's going great! Terrorism is going away and the world is safer! And Saddam had WMDs and we beat the hell out of the Taliban and that problem is totally solved and all the Arabs are going to throw out their dictators and sing kumbaya except for the dictators we like, those guys aren't going anywhere
We've had troops in Japan and Germany for over 70 years, What's your point?
Every religion grows when persecuted, the flight galvanizes followers and creates sympathy from those close to them. I don't know why this has to be about Islam, I don't care who you are or what book you read, if your actions and teachings are an attack or threat to first world society you can GTFO. The problem with America is we can't even articulate what is healthy for society and what is not, So we get handcuffed by our own hypocrisy and cultural laziness.
We have powerful destructive weapons that we aren't using. Until we bring those out and start waving them around, the islamocucks will continue doing what they're doing. The problem will NEVER be solved until Saudi Arabia, the FUCKING SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, is confronted and dealt with. Fuck that stupid lying piece of shit betrayer Trump for not being smart enough to see that.
As a self-described liberal, I'm rather ashamed by many "liberals" these days. A lot of the points Race and others have mentioned are far more accurate than they should be. When I call them out, they accuse me of not being a real liberal.
It's like real liberals have been quietly killed off and replaced by a bunch of fucking soccer moms when it comes to liberals online. "Snowflake" and "Libtard" aren't entirely misnomers, unfortunately. My own mother once poasted that all lives matter on facebook, not trying to detract from the BLM movement, and some triggered (and white) BLM lady came along and poasted "HOW DARE YOU, YOU PRIVILEGED FUCK" etc. I can understand how those who spend a lot of time on the internet think that alt-left is an actual thing. There are people out there who are that dumb.
Listen, I don't hate at all the idea behind Black Lives Matter- that excessive police violence is used unnecessarily against black men. It's not wrong to think that they are treated unfairly, or to protest against bullshit decisions about that treatment that are clearly biased. But when you see random people get triggered because some 45 year old mom that you don't even know posted ON THE INTERNET that all lives should be treated equally, that's when you know that shit has gone too far.
Far too many liberals, in my view, are partisan assholes. For example, look on Trump's twitter. Some of the responses are legitimate- but then way too many liberals resort to ad hominem rather than actually making very winnable arguments. For example, when some dude pointed out that Trump was being hypocritical by ripping Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf in Saudi Arabia, then Melania did the same, he called some other guy an asshat because the other guy suggested that it was possible that Trump's opinions might have changed. Why not just point out something about how that isn't consistent, rather than attacking the other person?
Liberals have become way too partisan. We love to rip the GOP for being very partisan (and they are: @MitchMcConnell), but it seems to me that liberals are just as partisan. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are biased pieces of shit, and far too few liberals recognize that. Obama was a decent economic president in my opinion (good job rebuilding the economy with job growth, but far too much debt and far too many of those jobs weren't high or medium quality incomes), and lots of liberals treat him like he is God. Don't even get me started on international relations- that shit has become so ridiculously partisan that you can't even have a rational discussion.
Tl;DR Way too many liberals are pieces of shit and I am ashamed of them.
Kama huria kujieleza, mimi ni badala aibu na wengi "liberals" siku hizi. mengi ya pointi Mbio na wengine zilizotajwa ni sahihi zaidi kuliko wao lazima. Wakati mimi kuwaita nje, wao kuwa mimi nina kutokuwa huru kweli.
Ni kama liberals halisi kuwa kimya kuuawa off na nafasi yake kuchukuliwa na rundo la fucking soka akina mama linapokuja suala la liberals online. "Snowflake" na "Libtard" si kabisa misnomers, kwa bahati mbaya. Mama yangu mwenyewe mara moja poasted ili maisha yote jambo juu ya facebook, si kujaribu kuzuia kutoka harakati BLM, na baadhi yalisababisha (na nyeupe) BLM mwanamke alikuja pamoja na poasted "Unawezaje kuthubutu, YOU upendeleo FUCK" nk naweza kuelewa jinsi wale ambao hutumia muda mwingi kwenye mtandao unafikiri kwamba alt-kushoto ni jambo halisi. Kuna watu huko nje ambao ni kwamba bubu.
Kusikiliza, mimi si chuki katika wazo wote nyuma ya Black Lives Matter- kwamba matumizi ya kupindukia vurugu polisi hutumiwa usiokuwa dhidi ya watu weusi. Siyo kosa kufikiri kuwa wao ni kutibiwa bila haki, au kupinga maamuzi bullshit kuhusu kwamba matibabu kuwa ni wazi upendeleo. Lakini unaweza kuona watu random kupata yalisababisha kwa sababu baadhi ya mama 45 umri wa miaka kwamba huwezi hata kujua posted kwenye mtandao ili maisha wote wanapaswa kutendewa kwa usawa, hiyo ni wakati unajua kwamba shit amekwenda mbali sana.
liberals pengi mno, kwa maoni yangu, ni msaidizi assholes. Kwa mfano, angalia upande twitter Trump. Baadhi ya majibu ni legitimate- lakini njia liberals wengi kuamua ad hominem badala kweli kufanya hoja winnable sana. Kwa mfano, wakati baadhi dude alisema kuwa Trump mara kuwa wanafiki na ripping Michelle Obama kwa kutovaa hijabu Saudi Arabia, kisha Melania walifanya hivyo, aliwataka baadhi guy nyingine asshat kwa sababu guy nyingine alipendekeza kuwa ni inawezekana kwamba Trump maoni anaweza kuwa iliyopita. Mbona si tu wanasema kitu kuhusu jinsi si sambamba, badala ya kushambulia mtu mwingine?
Liberals kuwa njia pia msaidizi. Tunapenda kwa mpasuko GOP kwa kuwa msaidizi sana (na ni: @MitchMcConnell), lakini inaonekana kwangu kuwa liberals ni kama msaidizi. Nancy Pelosi na Chuck Schumer vipande upendeleo wa shit, na liberals mbali chache kutambua hilo. Obama alikuwa rais bora ya kiuchumi katika maoni yangu (kazi nzuri kujenga uchumi na ukuaji wa kazi, lakini madeni mbali sana na mbali sana wengi wa ajira hizo hazikuwa juu au kati quality kipato), na kura ya liberals kutibu yake kama yeye ni Mungu. Hata kupata yangu ilianza kimataifa relations- shit imekuwa hivyo ridiculously msaidizi kwamba huwezi hata kuwa na majadiliano ya busara.
Tl; DR Way liberals wengi vipande vya shit na nina aibu yao.
As a self-described liberal, I'm rather ashamed by many "liberals" these days. A lot of the points Race and others have mentioned are far more accurate than they should be. When I call them out, they accuse me of not being a real liberal.
It's like real liberals have been quietly killed off and replaced by a bunch of fucking soccer moms when it comes to liberals online. "Snowflake" and "Libtard" aren't entirely misnomers, unfortunately. My own mother once poasted that all lives matter on facebook, not trying to detract from the BLM movement, and some triggered (and white) BLM lady came along and poasted "HOW DARE YOU, YOU PRIVILEGED FUCK" etc. I can understand how those who spend a lot of time on the internet think that alt-left is an actual thing. There are people out there who are that dumb.
Listen, I don't hate at all the idea behind Black Lives Matter- that excessive police violence is used unnecessarily against black men. It's not wrong to think that they are treated unfairly, or to protest against bullshit decisions about that treatment that are clearly biased. But when you see random people get triggered because some 45 year old mom that you don't even know posted ON THE INTERNET that all lives should be treated equally, that's when you know that shit has gone too far.
Far too many liberals, in my view, are partisan assholes. For example, look on Trump's twitter. Some of the responses are legitimate- but then way too many liberals resort to ad hominem rather than actually making very winnable arguments. For example, when some dude pointed out that Trump was being hypocritical by ripping Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf in Saudi Arabia, then Melania did the same, he called some other guy an asshat because the other guy suggested that it was possible that Trump's opinions might have changed. Why not just point out something about how that isn't consistent, rather than attacking the other person?
Liberals have become way too partisan. We love to rip the GOP for being very partisan (and they are: @MitchMcConnell), but it seems to me that liberals are just as partisan. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are biased pieces of shit, and far too few liberals recognize that. Obama was a decent economic president in my opinion (good job rebuilding the economy with job growth, but far too much debt and far too many of those jobs weren't high or medium quality incomes), and lots of liberals treat him like he is God. Don't even get me started on international relations- that shit has become so ridiculously partisan that you can't even have a rational discussion.
Tl;DR Way too many liberals are pieces of shit and I am ashamed of them.
Kama huria kujieleza, mimi ni badala aibu na wengi "liberals" siku hizi. mengi ya pointi Mbio na wengine zilizotajwa ni sahihi zaidi kuliko wao lazima. Wakati mimi kuwaita nje, wao kuwa mimi nina kutokuwa huru kweli.
Ni kama liberals halisi kuwa kimya kuuawa off na nafasi yake kuchukuliwa na rundo la fucking soka akina mama linapokuja suala la liberals online. "Snowflake" na "Libtard" si kabisa misnomers, kwa bahati mbaya. Mama yangu mwenyewe mara moja poasted ili maisha yote jambo juu ya facebook, si kujaribu kuzuia kutoka harakati BLM, na baadhi yalisababisha (na nyeupe) BLM mwanamke alikuja pamoja na poasted "Unawezaje kuthubutu, YOU upendeleo FUCK" nk naweza kuelewa jinsi wale ambao hutumia muda mwingi kwenye mtandao unafikiri kwamba alt-kushoto ni jambo halisi. Kuna watu huko nje ambao ni kwamba bubu.
Kusikiliza, mimi si chuki katika wazo wote nyuma ya Black Lives Matter- kwamba matumizi ya kupindukia vurugu polisi hutumiwa usiokuwa dhidi ya watu weusi. Siyo kosa kufikiri kuwa wao ni kutibiwa bila haki, au kupinga maamuzi bullshit kuhusu kwamba matibabu kuwa ni wazi upendeleo. Lakini unaweza kuona watu random kupata yalisababisha kwa sababu baadhi ya mama 45 umri wa miaka kwamba huwezi hata kujua posted kwenye mtandao ili maisha wote wanapaswa kutendewa kwa usawa, hiyo ni wakati unajua kwamba shit amekwenda mbali sana.
liberals pengi mno, kwa maoni yangu, ni msaidizi assholes. Kwa mfano, angalia upande twitter Trump. Baadhi ya majibu ni legitimate- lakini njia liberals wengi kuamua ad hominem badala kweli kufanya hoja winnable sana. Kwa mfano, wakati baadhi dude alisema kuwa Trump mara kuwa wanafiki na ripping Michelle Obama kwa kutovaa hijabu Saudi Arabia, kisha Melania walifanya hivyo, aliwataka baadhi guy nyingine asshat kwa sababu guy nyingine alipendekeza kuwa ni inawezekana kwamba Trump maoni anaweza kuwa iliyopita. Mbona si tu wanasema kitu kuhusu jinsi si sambamba, badala ya kushambulia mtu mwingine?
Liberals kuwa njia pia msaidizi. Tunapenda kwa mpasuko GOP kwa kuwa msaidizi sana (na ni: @MitchMcConnell), lakini inaonekana kwangu kuwa liberals ni kama msaidizi. Nancy Pelosi na Chuck Schumer vipande upendeleo wa shit, na liberals mbali chache kutambua hilo. Obama alikuwa rais bora ya kiuchumi katika maoni yangu (kazi nzuri kujenga uchumi na ukuaji wa kazi, lakini madeni mbali sana na mbali sana wengi wa ajira hizo hazikuwa juu au kati quality kipato), na kura ya liberals kutibu yake kama yeye ni Mungu. Hata kupata yangu ilianza kimataifa relations- shit imekuwa hivyo ridiculously msaidizi kwamba huwezi hata kuwa na majadiliano ya busara.
Tl; DR Way liberals wengi vipande vya shit na nina aibu yao.
Kama huria kujieleza, mimi ni badala aibu na wengi "liberals" siku hizi. mengi ya pointi Mbio na wengine zilizotajwa ni sahihi zaidi kuliko wao lazima. Wakati mimi kuwaita nje, wao kuwa mimi nina kutokuwa huru kweli.
Ni kama liberals halisi kuwa kimya kuuawa off na nafasi yake kuchukuliwa na rundo la fucking soka akina mama linapokuja suala la liberals online. "Snowflake" na "Libtard" si kabisa misnomers, kwa bahati mbaya. Mama yangu mwenyewe mara moja poasted ili maisha yote jambo juu ya facebook, si kujaribu kuzuia kutoka harakati BLM, na baadhi yalisababisha (na nyeupe) BLM mwanamke alikuja pamoja na poasted "Unawezaje kuthubutu, YOU upendeleo FUCK" nk naweza kuelewa jinsi wale ambao hutumia muda mwingi kwenye mtandao unafikiri kwamba alt-kushoto ni jambo halisi. Kuna watu huko nje ambao ni kwamba bubu.
Kusikiliza, mimi si chuki katika wazo wote nyuma ya Black Lives Matter- kwamba matumizi ya kupindukia vurugu polisi hutumiwa usiokuwa dhidi ya watu weusi. Siyo kosa kufikiri kuwa wao ni kutibiwa bila haki, au kupinga maamuzi bullshit kuhusu kwamba matibabu kuwa ni wazi upendeleo. Lakini unaweza kuona watu random kupata yalisababisha kwa sababu baadhi ya mama 45 umri wa miaka kwamba huwezi hata kujua posted kwenye mtandao ili maisha wote wanapaswa kutendewa kwa usawa, hiyo ni wakati unajua kwamba shit amekwenda mbali sana.
liberals pengi mno, kwa maoni yangu, ni msaidizi assholes. Kwa mfano, angalia upande twitter Trump. Baadhi ya majibu ni legitimate- lakini njia liberals wengi kuamua ad hominem badala kweli kufanya hoja winnable sana. Kwa mfano, wakati baadhi dude alisema kuwa Trump mara kuwa wanafiki na ripping Michelle Obama kwa kutovaa hijabu Saudi Arabia, kisha Melania walifanya hivyo, aliwataka baadhi guy nyingine asshat kwa sababu guy nyingine alipendekeza kuwa ni inawezekana kwamba Trump maoni anaweza kuwa iliyopita. Mbona si tu wanasema kitu kuhusu jinsi si sambamba, badala ya kushambulia mtu mwingine?
Liberals kuwa njia pia msaidizi. Tunapenda kwa mpasuko GOP kwa kuwa msaidizi sana (na ni: @MitchMcConnell), lakini inaonekana kwangu kuwa liberals ni kama msaidizi. Nancy Pelosi na Chuck Schumer vipande upendeleo wa shit, na liberals mbali chache kutambua hilo. Obama alikuwa rais bora ya kiuchumi katika maoni yangu (kazi nzuri kujenga uchumi na ukuaji wa kazi, lakini madeni mbali sana na mbali sana wengi wa ajira hizo hazikuwa juu au kati quality kipato), na kura ya liberals kutibu yake kama yeye ni Mungu. Hata kupata yangu ilianza kimataifa relations- shit imekuwa hivyo ridiculously msaidizi kwamba huwezi hata kuwa na majadiliano ya busara.
Tl; DR Way liberals wengi vipande vya shit na nina aibu yao.
I don't agree with the GOP's stance on social issues, healthcare, and especially not their affiliation with the religious right/intersection of religion and politics. That being said, I can get on board with a dude being bodyslammed by a candidate. Thats just good shit and people need to fucking relax and see the humor in it.
I don't hate Trump because he's (now) a Republican. I hated him when he was a Democrat and I still hate him because he's just generally a fucking idiot and unworthy of the post. But yeah, the reflexive outrage is becoming the dominant narrative and look of popular liberalism, which sucks.
I don't agree with the GOP's stance on social issues, healthcare, and especially not their affiliation with the religious right/intersection of religion and politics. That being said, I can get on board with a dude being bodyslammed by a candidate. Thats just good shit and people need to fucking relax and see the humor in it.
I don't hate Trump because he's (now) a Republican. I hated him when he was a Democrat and I still hate him because he's just generally a fucking idiot and unworthy of the post. But yeah, the reflexive outrage is becoming the dominant narrative and look of popular liberalism, which sucks.
Can I think it's funny and also think that the guy who did it is a fucking thug with no business running for dogcatcher?
Same shit with the Bali bombings. They murdered tourists and there were no Western troops in Indonesia.
Let's face it, there are too many Muslim countries that are screwed up and they only have themselves and their backwards values to blame. But of course that means they have to turn inward for solutions and that is a lot more work than blaming infidels and then killing them. It's always blame others for their crappy lives.
Reagan and Begin recognized this back in the 1980's, which is why they GTFO when things got weird.
And I don't think that "we bring terror attacks on ourselves," but we create handy targets for them by being in their neighborhood. Also, all the political instability creates a petri dish for terrorists and also gives them realistic training and access to weapons.
The latest wave of terrorism in Europe is a direct result of the Syrian civil war, which is a direct result of the Iraq civil war and botched occupation. Bush owns part of that by his administration's lack of planning beyond the "Mission Accomplished" poster, and Obama owns part of it via a failure to realistically plan for outcomes of the "Arab Spring" beyond magical wishing that the Arab states will all become liberal democracies, despite 1000 years of despotism and colonialism.
These fucks go full savage over a cartoon. Real liberals don't give a shit. Apologists apologize
It sounds like they got into your bucket a little while you were over there.
It's going great! Terrorism is going away and the world is safer! And Saddam had WMDs and we beat the hell out of the Taliban and that problem is totally solved and all the Arabs are going to throw out their dictators and sing kumbaya except for the dictators we like, those guys aren't going anywhere
It's like real liberals have been quietly killed off and replaced by a bunch of fucking soccer moms when it comes to liberals online. "Snowflake" and "Libtard" aren't entirely misnomers, unfortunately. My own mother once poasted that all lives matter on facebook, not trying to detract from the BLM movement, and some triggered (and white) BLM lady came along and poasted "HOW DARE YOU, YOU PRIVILEGED FUCK" etc. I can understand how those who spend a lot of time on the internet think that alt-left is an actual thing. There are people out there who are that dumb.
Listen, I don't hate at all the idea behind Black Lives Matter- that excessive police violence is used unnecessarily against black men. It's not wrong to think that they are treated unfairly, or to protest against bullshit decisions about that treatment that are clearly biased. But when you see random people get triggered because some 45 year old mom that you don't even know posted ON THE INTERNET that all lives should be treated equally, that's when you know that shit has gone too far.
Far too many liberals, in my view, are partisan assholes. For example, look on Trump's twitter. Some of the responses are legitimate- but then way too many liberals resort to ad hominem rather than actually making very winnable arguments. For example, when some dude pointed out that Trump was being hypocritical by ripping Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf in Saudi Arabia, then Melania did the same, he called some other guy an asshat because the other guy suggested that it was possible that Trump's opinions might have changed. Why not just point out something about how that isn't consistent, rather than attacking the other person?
Liberals have become way too partisan. We love to rip the GOP for being very partisan (and they are: @MitchMcConnell), but it seems to me that liberals are just as partisan. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are biased pieces of shit, and far too few liberals recognize that. Obama was a decent economic president in my opinion (good job rebuilding the economy with job growth, but far too much debt and far too many of those jobs weren't high or medium quality incomes), and lots of liberals treat him like he is God. Don't even get me started on international relations- that shit has become so ridiculously partisan that you can't even have a rational discussion.
Tl;DR Way too many liberals are pieces of shit and I am ashamed of them.
Ni kama liberals halisi kuwa kimya kuuawa off na nafasi yake kuchukuliwa na rundo la fucking soka akina mama linapokuja suala la liberals online. "Snowflake" na "Libtard" si kabisa misnomers, kwa bahati mbaya. Mama yangu mwenyewe mara moja poasted ili maisha yote jambo juu ya facebook, si kujaribu kuzuia kutoka harakati BLM, na baadhi yalisababisha (na nyeupe) BLM mwanamke alikuja pamoja na poasted "Unawezaje kuthubutu, YOU upendeleo FUCK" nk naweza kuelewa jinsi wale ambao hutumia muda mwingi kwenye mtandao unafikiri kwamba alt-kushoto ni jambo halisi. Kuna watu huko nje ambao ni kwamba bubu.
Kusikiliza, mimi si chuki katika wazo wote nyuma ya Black Lives Matter- kwamba matumizi ya kupindukia vurugu polisi hutumiwa usiokuwa dhidi ya watu weusi. Siyo kosa kufikiri kuwa wao ni kutibiwa bila haki, au kupinga maamuzi bullshit kuhusu kwamba matibabu kuwa ni wazi upendeleo. Lakini unaweza kuona watu random kupata yalisababisha kwa sababu baadhi ya mama 45 umri wa miaka kwamba huwezi hata kujua posted kwenye mtandao ili maisha wote wanapaswa kutendewa kwa usawa, hiyo ni wakati unajua kwamba shit amekwenda mbali sana.
liberals pengi mno, kwa maoni yangu, ni msaidizi assholes. Kwa mfano, angalia upande twitter Trump. Baadhi ya majibu ni legitimate- lakini njia liberals wengi kuamua ad hominem badala kweli kufanya hoja winnable sana. Kwa mfano, wakati baadhi dude alisema kuwa Trump mara kuwa wanafiki na ripping Michelle Obama kwa kutovaa hijabu Saudi Arabia, kisha Melania walifanya hivyo, aliwataka baadhi guy nyingine asshat kwa sababu guy nyingine alipendekeza kuwa ni inawezekana kwamba Trump maoni anaweza kuwa iliyopita. Mbona si tu wanasema kitu kuhusu jinsi si sambamba, badala ya kushambulia mtu mwingine?
Liberals kuwa njia pia msaidizi. Tunapenda kwa mpasuko GOP kwa kuwa msaidizi sana (na ni: @MitchMcConnell), lakini inaonekana kwangu kuwa liberals ni kama msaidizi. Nancy Pelosi na Chuck Schumer vipande upendeleo wa shit, na liberals mbali chache kutambua hilo. Obama alikuwa rais bora ya kiuchumi katika maoni yangu (kazi nzuri kujenga uchumi na ukuaji wa kazi, lakini madeni mbali sana na mbali sana wengi wa ajira hizo hazikuwa juu au kati quality kipato), na kura ya liberals kutibu yake kama yeye ni Mungu. Hata kupata yangu ilianza kimataifa relations- shit imekuwa hivyo ridiculously msaidizi kwamba huwezi hata kuwa na majadiliano ya busara.
Tl; DR Way liberals wengi vipande vya shit na nina aibu yao.
kutomba mbali
I don't hate Trump because he's (now) a Republican. I hated him when he was a Democrat and I still hate him because he's just generally a fucking idiot and unworthy of the post. But yeah, the reflexive outrage is becoming the dominant narrative and look of popular liberalism, which sucks.