I heard an anal ist on the radio yesterday say it's too bad the Media/Democrat Complex hyperventilated over nothing every day since the election. When something does finally come up, the've shot all credibility with the public and won't be believed.
It was similar under Obama who was much more popular than Trump to begin with. The Birther crap and the demontization of the tea party gave Obama cover for his REAL crimes for 8 years.
It seems to me that this is where we are for the foreseeable future. It is probably how democracies die. Glad to be old fuckers. Good luck the rest of the way!
As big of a chinterfuck as this saga has become, there have certainly been periods in our nations history when it was arguably much worse. Hell back in the 1850's Senators used to beat the shit out of each other on the chamber floor with their canes and walking sticks.
He's been around for 2200 years he'll be around longer than the rest of us