Welcum to our? boreds! It may take a few visits to get used to lots of rape culture, cripple jokes, and the treating objects like womyn, man. If you want some pointers, send a PM To @IrishDawg22, he has this place dialed in.
Welcum to our? boreds! It may take a few visits to get used to lots of rape culture, cripple jokes, and the treating objects like womyn, man. If you want some pointers, send a PM To @IrishDawg22, he has this place dialed in.
Welcum to our? boreds! It may take a few visits to get used to lots of rape culture, cripple jokes, and the treating objects like womyn, man. If you want some pointers, send a PM To @IrishDawg22, he has this place dialed in.
It's for the kids.