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The West Needs a Geert Wilders Win

oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
To begin the work of crushing the twin evils of Islam and EU leftist totalitarianism in Europe. Islam is incompatible with western liberal values. So is the EU. Islam declared war on us long ago. The EU has declared war on free speech. Time to stop being pussies, fight back and push Islam back into the Middle East where it belongs, where it needs to stay.





  • WilburHooksHandsWilburHooksHands Member Posts: 6,793
    edited March 2017
    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
    So he's a coward.

  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
    So he's a coward.

    Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh's ghosts say fuck off.
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,089 Standard Supporter

    To begin the work of crushing the twin evils of Islam and EU leftist totalitarianism in Europe. Islam is incompatible with western liberal values. So is the EU. Islam declared war on us long ago. The EU has declared war on free speech. Time to stop being pussies, fight back and push Islam back into the Middle East where it belongs, where it needs to stay.



    The answer is: Glass surfaced, self illuminating parking lot. We can strap fat back to our feet and go ice skating. Oh and pump oil.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    I consider radical Islamic terrorists and fundamentalist Christian evangelicals to be equally insane.

    Sure one wants to kill me, and the other doesn't. But they BOTH want to control me and restrict freedom of choice for everyone that doesn't subscribe to their fairy tale.

    I don't have any stake in the EU as a political entity. But I like visiting most of those countries. They're our allies. It's the place most of our ancestors came here from. What's not to like exactly?
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    The only answer to that question can be, they aren't liberals to begin with. They've stolen the identity. Anyone who sides with Islam is by definition against women's rights, because women have no rights under Islam. They further betray themselves in their support of the EU, another totalitarian system that has no interest in free speech. They aren't liberals, they're fascists. Oh, but wait, fascists can only come from the right, they can't really be fascists then can they?
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
    That's an interpretation practiced by extremists, not the majority. Christians are guilty of taking away women's rights here in America.

    In other words, every fan base has a few bad apples.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
    That's an interpretation practiced by extremists, not the majority. Christians are guilty of taking away women's rights here in America.

    In other words, every fan base has a few bad apples.
    If the 'few bad apples logic were true,' it would also be true that Islamic countries would be about equal with the West in their treatment of women. They aren't. Women wear burquas, they can't go out alone without being accompanied by a male relative, they get stoned for being raped, among other practices. In this particular fan base the opposite is true. There are a few good apples, but most are spoiled from the rot of Islam. You only need to look as far as how many support shariah law. That would be most of them.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    Wilders compares the Koran to Mein Kampf.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
    That's an interpretation practiced by extremists, not the majority. Christians are guilty of taking away women's rights here in America.

    In other words, every fan base has a few bad apples.
    If the 'few bad apples logic were true,' it would also be true that Islamic countries would be about equal with the West in their treatment of women. They aren't. Women wear burquas, they can't go out alone without being accompanied by a male relative, they get stoned for being raped, among other practices. In this particular fan base the opposite is true. There are a few good apples, but most are spoiled from the rot of Islam. You only need to look as far as how many support shariah law. That would be most of them.
    Stop pretending you know what the people want. Those countries are all dictatorships or a theocracy or both. They're ruled by fear and force. Religion is their preferred system of control. And they're dirt poor outside the few that hold the oil. There's a reason so many are trying to GTFO while they're still alive. And it's NOT some grand conspiracy. They simply don't want to lay down and die. Crazy, I know.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,852
    I would love to take away women's rights. If I get a chick pregnant I want to be able to force her to get an abortion.

  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
    That's an interpretation practiced by extremists, not the majority. Christians are guilty of taking away women's rights here in America.

    In other words, every fan base has a few bad apples.
    If the 'few bad apples logic were true,' it would also be true that Islamic countries would be about equal with the West in their treatment of women. They aren't. Women wear burquas, they can't go out alone without being accompanied by a male relative, they get stoned for being raped, among other practices. In this particular fan base the opposite is true. There are a few good apples, but most are spoiled from the rot of Islam. You only need to look as far as how many support shariah law. That would be most of them.
    Stop pretending you know what the people want. Those countries are all dictatorships or a theocracy or both. They're ruled by fear and force. Religion is their preferred system of control. And they're dirt poor outside the few that hold the oil. There's a reason so many are trying to GTFO while they're still alive. And it's NOT some grand conspiracy. They simply don't want to lay down and die. Crazy, I know.
    Not pretending anything, just operating under the assumption that most people want freedom. Islam is the opposite of that. Those countries are dictatorships because they operate under the system of Islam. Islam is not a religion, it's a despotic political system. The sooner you understand this, the better you will understand the threat of Islam. Saudi Arabia follows Islam, so does ISIS, so do the so called 'refugees' in Europe, they are true followers of Islam because they follow the teachings of Muhammed, to kill the infidel, to rape the infidel women 'because they are dogs,' to subjugate and kill the unbeliever. Sharia is the law of Islam. And it's no better than Nazism. It dehumanizes women and other groups of people. Most muslims support sharia law.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    I find it weird that liberals like Islam and the eu.

    Free speech and women's rights are like two of the biggest things they are always on about.

    Do they "like" it though?

    Most liberals dislike all religions, but respect the right to practice freely.

    To practice Islam freely means to practice taking away women's rights. Doesn't seem very liberal to me. Seems more like a reprehensible form of hypocrisy.
    That's an interpretation practiced by extremists, not the majority. Christians are guilty of taking away women's rights here in America.

    In other words, every fan base has a few bad apples.
    If the 'few bad apples logic were true,' it would also be true that Islamic countries would be about equal with the West in their treatment of women. They aren't. Women wear burquas, they can't go out alone without being accompanied by a male relative, they get stoned for being raped, among other practices. In this particular fan base the opposite is true. There are a few good apples, but most are spoiled from the rot of Islam. You only need to look as far as how many support shariah law. That would be most of them.
    Stop pretending you know what the people want. Those countries are all dictatorships or a theocracy or both. They're ruled by fear and force. Religion is their preferred system of control. And they're dirt poor outside the few that hold the oil. There's a reason so many are trying to GTFO while they're still alive. And it's NOT some grand conspiracy. They simply don't want to lay down and die. Crazy, I know.
    Not pretending anything, just operating under the assumption that most people want freedom. Islam is the opposite of that. Those countries are dictatorships because they operate under the system of Islam. Islam is not a religion, it's a despotic political system. The sooner you understand this, the better you will understand the threat of Islam. Saudi Arabia follows Islam, so does ISIS, so do the so called 'refugees' in Europe, they are true followers of Islam because they follow the teachings of Muhammed, to kill the infidel, to rape the infidel women 'because they are dogs,' to subjugate and kill the unbeliever. Sharia is the law of Islam. And it's no better than Nazism. It dehumanizes women and other groups of people. Most muslims support sharia law.
    You do not and cannot know that.

    Maybe the Muslims in POWER support Sharia law, and the control it provides them. That makes logical sense. We don't KNOW, but that seems reasonable. But "most"? Naw bro.
  • ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325

    I would love to take away women's rights. If I get a chick pregnant I want to be able to force her to get an abortion.

    Even better, you can get her pregnant and force her NOT to get one.
  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
    So he's a coward.

    Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh's ghosts say fuck off.
    Pim Fortuyn was a fag.

    He was too, you boys.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    AZDuck said:

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
    So he's a coward.

    Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh's ghosts say fuck off.
    Pim Fortuyn was a fag.

    He was too, you boys.
    Fags >>>>>>>>>>>>> moslems
  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381

    AZDuck said:

    Look at these guys you are begging to save you from a paranoid, bullshit existential threat.


    Just look.

    Who gives a fuck what he looks like. He can look like Ronald McDonald as long as he fights for the West. This guy is legit. He's had to be in hiding for more than 10 years because of Islam. Justifiably he wants it out of his country.
    So he's a coward.

    Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh's ghosts say fuck off.
    Pim Fortuyn was a fag.

    He was too, you boys.
    Fags >>>>>>>>>>>>> moslems
    Man-Boy love Thursdays say hello
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