Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
Agreed. Claiming the book written by a man who married seven year olds and slaughtered tribes across the Arabian Penninsula is a document of peace IS taking it out of context.
Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
Agreed. Claiming the book written by a man who married seven year olds and slaughtered tribes across the Arabian Penninsula is a document of peace IS taking it out of context.
Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
ISIS doesn't take the Q'ueeran out of context. Actually they follow it to the letter. So does Saudi Arabia. Kill your wife and daughter if someone rapes them. Throw gays off buildings. Cut the hands off of thieves. Behead those who mock Islam. Slay the infidel wherever he is found.
Issue a 30 minute warning then bomb the shit out of the black box in Mecca and the rabid hive of locusts will scatter.
Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
ISIS doesn't take the Q'ueeran out of context. Actually they follow it to the letter. So does Saudi Arabia. Kill your wife and daughter if someone rapes them. Throw gays off buildings. Cut the hands off of thieves. Behead those who mock Islam. Slay the infidel wherever he is found.
Issue a 30 minute warning then bomb the shit out of the black box in Mecca and the rabid hive of locusts will scatter.
Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
ISIS doesn't take the Q'ueeran out of context. Actually they follow it to the letter. So does Saudi Arabia. Kill your wife and daughter if someone rapes them. Throw gays off buildings. Cut the hands off of thieves. Behead those who mock Islam. Slay the infidel wherever he is found.
Issue a 30 minute warning then bomb the shit out of the black box in Mecca and the rabid hive of locusts will scatter.
Can't hear you with that Russian cock in your mouth.
You're upset the koran says you have to kill the goat if you dump you itty bitty load in it.
That's actually the Bible (Leviticus) but why quibble over a minor detail.
Islam too. I'll retract slightly I don't know how it's worded in the koran. Saw an Imam answer the question when asked.
Oh so you agree you don't know shit about the Quran but you will want to argue saying it's evil.
It's evil. Just like liberals but worse.
No the people that take the Quran out of context are evil. Dumbfuck.
Agreed. Claiming the book written by a man who married seven year olds and slaughtered tribes across the Arabian Penninsula is a document of peace IS taking it out of context.
You're evil.
Sounds like somebody never read the old testament. The founders and forefathers of Judaism and Christianity did some pretty nasty shit themselves, and believed it was the will of god.
I'd say it is more accurate, to say that all of the religions that sprang from Abraham, have histories that include young wives, multiple wives, and killing those that have different beliefs.
Simple fact. Case closed. End of discussion.
Food for thought.
Complete cum dumpster.
You're evil.
Issue a 30 minute warning then bomb the shit out of the black box in Mecca and the rabid hive of locusts will scatter.
I'd say it is more accurate, to say that all of the religions that sprang from Abraham, have histories that include young wives, multiple wives, and killing those that have different beliefs.