So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
Oh man, there's nowhere to even begin with this incoherent mess. No one has embraced the post-truth world more than Race, it seems. This drivel does not even dignify a response. Fortunately for everyone else, Race is harmless. He's just a senile old man posting batshit political opinions on the political section of a college football message board. He and Hondo and the rest here are free to yell theiry shitty takes at each other. That's what makes America great. You're welcome for the perspective.
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
Oh man, there's nowhere to even begin with this incoherent mess. No one has embraced the post-truth world more than Race, it seems. This drivel does not even dignify a response. Fortunately for everyone else, Race is harmless. He's just a senile old man posting batshit political opinions on the political section of a college football message board. He and Hondo and the rest here are free to yell theiry shitty takes at each other. That's what makes America great. You're welcome for the perspective.
In other words, I got nothing to dispute what Race wrote so I'll just lob insults and hope no one notices.
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
Oh man, there's nowhere to even begin with this incoherent mess. No one has embraced the post-truth world more than Race, it seems. This drivel does not even dignify a response. Fortunately for everyone else, Race is harmless. He's just a senile old man posting batshit political opinions on the political section of a college football message board. He and Hondo and the rest here are free to yell theiry shitty takes at each other. That's what makes America great. You're welcome for the perspective.
In other words, I got nothing to dispute what Race wrote so I'll just lob insults and hope no one notices.
When you start out with "now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election", there is no reason to engage you further. The "entire, ENTIRE, election"? When you're operating on a set of facts completely unmoored from reality, engagement isn't worth my time. It's pointless.
So just to clarify your position is that the Director of National Intelligence is acting in a partisan manner and staking his reputation on this public proclamation without any evidence. Is that your position?
There is no evidence to back up his assertion so yes
Are you in with the simpletons that only Hillary's unsecured server couldn't be hacked?
Okay, great. We have now established that your opinion is "Southern California man knows more about cyber espionage than the cybersecurity forensic experts at the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc." So we can now conclude that your opinion is worthless. Thanks for playing.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
Of course it is about Hillary. She spent years lying about her private server and classified emails and saying there is nothing to investigate and it wasn't hacked.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
Oh man, there's nowhere to even begin with this incoherent mess. No one has embraced the post-truth world more than Race, it seems. This drivel does not even dignify a response. Fortunately for everyone else, Race is harmless. He's just a senile old man posting batshit political opinions on the political section of a college football message board. He and Hondo and the rest here are free to yell theiry shitty takes at each other. That's what makes America great. You're welcome for the perspective.
In other words, I got nothing to dispute what Race wrote so I'll just lob insults and hope no one notices.
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."
Our government currently has an "intent" problem as that's the supposed reason Hillary's not being tried for treason etc. Guess they applied that stupidity to the Russians as well.
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."
Our government currently has an "intent" problem as that's the supposed reason Hillary's not being tried for treason etc. Guess they applied that stupidity to the Russians as well.
Wiki isn't the work of the Russians.
Or the fact there's no evidence that Hilary's server was hacked.
And yes intent is required for gross negligence. That's a legal thing and one that everyone but tards like you agree with.
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."
Our government currently has an "intent" problem as that's the supposed reason Hillary's not being tried for treason etc. Guess they applied that stupidity to the Russians as well.
Wiki isn't the work of the Russians.
Or the fact there's no evidence that Hilary's server was hacked.
And yes intent is required for gross negligence. That's a legal thing and one that everyone but tards like you agree with.
There's no evidence for anything you posted in this thread either but it didn't stop you
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," said one of the three U.S. officials. "Of course they can't, absent agents in on the decision-making in Moscow."
Our government currently has an "intent" problem as that's the supposed reason Hillary's not being tried for treason etc. Guess they applied that stupidity to the Russians as well.
Wiki isn't the work of the Russians.
Or the fact there's no evidence that Hilary's server was hacked.
And yes intent is required for gross negligence. That's a legal thing and one that everyone but tards like you agree with.
There's no evidence for anything you posted in this thread either but it didn't stop you
When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.
They "understood the meaning". Haha Race. You are better than this.
As for Hillary, it's entirely possible that the server was compromised. The forensic people at the FBI didn't see any clear indication of that, however. But this isn't about Hillary anyway, buddy.
While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.
Now she is saying the Russians hacked the entire election. Anyone with half a brain realizes how stupid that is.
One partisan agency under the corrupt hack Obama says it sure looks like the Russians and all the low info type start repeating the bullshit
The RNC wasn't hacked.
Assange is the guy that has an ax to grind with the democrats and he ground it. The truth of what he revealed hurt HIllary because she and the DNC did all that shit
The SOS emails that China and Russia hacked off her server are being held. She lost much to your surprise.
Trump won. Get over it.
The only candidate proven to be in hold to a foreign power for money was HIllary. When you are guilty accuse your opponent of what you did. The low info types fall for it every time
I may or may not be smart. All we know is that I am smarter than you
If either of you boys ever have a point be sure and let us know
Wiki isn't the work of the Russians.
And yes intent is required for gross negligence. That's a legal thing and one that everyone but tards like you agree with.
Said noone fucking ever.
'insert forks to eyes meme here'
Any other lies today or are we done here?
When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.
They "understood the meaning". Haha Race. You are better than this.
You really want to keep getting your ass kicked here?