Looks like no charges will be filed. I suspect he was confronted before he could take any pictures, so there's no evidence to break the he-said-she-said deadlock. Other than the fact that he was in the ladies' room at a fucking Walmart, supposedly taking selfies in the mirror.
Fuckup dad is now posting on fb about how proud he is of his son for doing the right thing, saying some shit about it's not the fuckup that counts but what you do to clean it up. I'd say that not fucking up in the first place is the important thing, but then again I didn't leave my wife and kids for some temporary New Hampshire tail like he did.
Looks like no charges will be filed. I suspect he was confronted before he could take any pictures, so there's no evidence to break the he-said-she-said deadlock. Other than the fact that he was in the ladies' room at a fucking Walmart, supposedly taking selfies in the mirror.
Fuckup dad is now posting on fb about how proud he is of his son for doing the right thing, saying some shit about it's not the fuckup that counts but what you do to clean it up. I'd say that not fucking up in the first place is the important thing, but then again I didn't leave my wife and kids for some temporary New Hampshire tail like he did.
fupdate: Charges dropped but almost everybody thinks he's guilty of at least attempting to take pics (parents and a few friends side with him). It's boiling over with his wigger community, such as it is, and he's now at odds with a group of erstwhile friends. Last night he was supposedly jumped* by four of them after he tore his shit truck past their hangout repeatedly in a desperate plea for attention. Well, he got it. Today's 300-post thread on facebook starts with him complaining about people who gang up on him and jump him, and it quickly devolves into some group poor-grammar white trash fecesflinging. My favorite subthread is when his 40-year-old mother writes some punctuationless diatribe about how people just dont know and u all should just stfo already, and somebody takes her to task for sounding stupid because she doesn't understand basic punctuation, and it quickly turns into wigger women threatening each other, then their respective boyfriends threatening each other.
*And when I say "jumped" I mean they probably all just hopped around and screeched at each other like the one-step-removed-from-the-jungle hairless chimps that they are, with a few open-hand bitchslaps that came nowhere near to connecting with anything
He's deleted the thread as of this morning, but before I went to bed last night it had blown up to nearly a hundred posts where his guy friends were defending him and several girls were raking him over the coals for it. At one point he responded to one of the girls with "well if u hate me so much then why did u have sex with me two weeks ago, while ur pregnant" which caused his own pregnant GF to querey why he's fucking somebody else. So this kid is stupid enough to talk about an embarrassing and potentially criminal act on facebook, then gets so riled up at the responses that he outs himself for cheating. Thread ended with him threatening suicide. Again. Kid regularly complains on FB that he's constantly getting fucked over, why does all this bad stuff keep happening to him, waah waah
He's deleted the thread as of this morning, but before I went to bed last night it had blown up to nearly a hundred posts where his guy friends were defending him and several girls were raking him over the coals for it. At one point he responded to one of the girls with "well if u hate me so much then why did u have sex with me two weeks ago, while ur pregnant" which caused his own pregnant GF to querey why he's fucking somebody else. So this kid is stupid enough to talk about an embarrassing and potentially criminal act on facebook, then gets so riled up at the responses that he outs himself for cheating. Thread ended with him threatening suicide. Again. Kid regularly complains on FB that he's constantly getting fucked over, why does all this bad stuff keep happening to him, waah waah
People like this are why I still enjoy scrolling through Facebook every now and then. Great entertainment.
Without facebook, I'd have no idea just how much young wigger trash there is in the Battle Ground Camas area.
He's deleted the thread as of this morning, but before I went to bed last night it had blown up to nearly a hundred posts where his guy friends were defending him and several girls were raking him over the coals for it. At one point he responded to one of the girls with "well if u hate me so much then why did u have sex with me two weeks ago, while ur pregnant" which caused his own pregnant GF to querey why he's fucking somebody else. So this kid is stupid enough to talk about an embarrassing and potentially criminal act on facebook, then gets so riled up at the responses that he outs himself for cheating. Thread ended with him threatening suicide. Again. Kid regularly complains on FB that he's constantly getting fucked over, why does all this bad stuff keep happening to him, waah waah
Trump voter.
Gay ran teed.
You really think he is smart enough to have ID? Or rich enough?
Fuckup dad is now posting on fb about how proud he is of his son for doing the right thing, saying some shit about it's not the fuckup that counts but what you do to clean it up. I'd say that not fucking up in the first place is the important thing, but then again I didn't leave my wife and kids for some temporary New Hampshire tail like he did.
*And when I say "jumped" I mean they probably all just hopped around and screeched at each other like the one-step-removed-from-the-jungle hairless chimps that they are, with a few open-hand bitchslaps that came nowhere near to connecting with anything
Gay ran teed.