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major victory for @swaye



  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326

    dhdawg said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    The river runs through the reservation, but the pipeline itself was being built on private property. Let's be clear on that.
    I hear it was through an old Indian burial ground. As all projects are.

    Nah, yes it was technically on land that is not currently standing rock Sioux tribes.

    Paul Ryan tweet: "this is big-government decision-making at its worst. I will look forward to putting this anti-energy presidency behind us."

    First of all, three fucking hyphenated words in a tweet? Seriously. What happened to "government for the people by the people"?
    if the pipeline put his district's water in jeopardy he'd have a different opinion
    That's the thing. If the government is going to ban this then, they might as well ban all pipeline builds underneath rivers. Because every major river in the United States passes through one reservation or another. I obviously don't approve of this idea, but it kind of looks like this is the precedent that is being set.
    eventually, new energy will need to be the way to go. I know that trump rejects it, but it's the future

  • Pitchfork51
    Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,722
    Can't trust the red man.
  • Kaepsknee
    Kaepsknee Member Posts: 14,757
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    Lemme guess... It was all about oppression of a people.
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    salemcoog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    Lemme guess... It was all about oppression of a people.
    No. While the white man is trying to keep swaye down. The pipeline is unrelated.
  • Mosster47
    Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246
    edited December 2016

    I like the 7th Cavalry in this one.

    Custer just needs time to get his own guys in there.
    You can't expect Custer to win now that the Reds are serious about protesting.
  • Mosster47
    Mosster47 Member Posts: 6,246
    edited December 2016
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    I'm glad for the Tribe out there. Really it's more about having a win against big oil. I was impressed how the Tribes united and all the big names that provided support.


    Yeah I see where that can be the case. They could have rerouted it before but wasted a lot of time and money trying to wait them out.
    This was about so much more than just a pipeline under a river through a reservation.
    The river runs through the reservation, but the pipeline itself was being built on private property. Let's be clear on that.
    I hear it was through an old Indian burial ground. As all projects are.

    Nah, yes it was technically on land that is not currently standing rock Sioux tribes.

    Paul Ryan tweet: "this is big-government decision-making at its worst. I will look forward to putting this anti-energy presidency behind us."

    First of all, three fucking hyphenated words in a tweet? Seriously. What happened to "government for the people by the people"?
    if the pipeline put his district's water in jeopardy he'd have a different opinion
    That's the thing. If the government is going to ban this then, they might as well ban all pipeline builds underneath rivers. Because every major river in the United States passes through one reservation or another. I obviously don't approve of this idea, but it kind of looks like this is the precedent that is being set.
    eventually, new energy will need to be the way to go. I know that trump rejects it, but it's the future

    Explain this new energy. Wind, solar, and bio-mass are exponentially more expensive than coal and hydro. Both the US and Russia went cheap with nuclear instead of safe so now the masses here are terrified of it while the rest of the world uses it with zero problems.

    People in this country aren't any smarter today than they were sixty years ago. They had all the same ideas available. They chose cheap and easy which is still coal, hydro, and nuclear.