Notre Dame law professor and noted Catholic educator Gerard Bradley says it’s time for Donald Trump to focus on eliminating the Common Core standards by lighting a fire under the grassroots movement that drew attention to the federal reform some years ago.
“contrary to tradition and academic studies on reading and human formation Make creationism great again! Why don't we go all the way and teach everyone that the earth is 4000 years old while we're at it
I helped out at my kids school last year....went to the 4th Grade classroom to "help" with fractions.
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
I helped out at my kids school last year....went to the 4th Grade classroom to "help" with fractions.
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
I helped out at my kids school last year....went to the 4th Grade classroom to "help" with fractions.
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
I helped out at my kids school last year....went to the 4th Grade classroom to "help" with fractions.
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
I helped out at my kids school last year....went to the 4th Grade classroom to "help" with fractions.
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
No it isn't. It took me about thirty second to realize what Common Core was after looking at it.
It's preparation for going to the Metric System which we should have changed to over 25 years ago. The people that invented the retarded system we still measure with think it's retarded.
Secondly it's to get kids used to binary math structure which is absolutely necessary for coding. Computers run everything and will be even more in control in the future. It's probably a sound idea to get the masses used to how they work.
We have to import most of our mathmeticians from places that aren't retarded about math. Let's keep our kids in the stone age. You don't have to pay stupid people much.
What gets me about common core is that I am able to think exactly the way common core math is supposed to get people to think, but I get totally lost in the way it tries to teach it because the instructions are horribly written.
I think our entire education process needs to be revamped, and in a big way. If you think about it, we've been doing almost the same thing for generations...we send a bunch of kids to a building, make them sit in in a desk in a room with about 30 other kids that are their same age, and put them through a curriculum designed for kids their age. The teachers give assignments, tests, etc...
There has to be a better way to educate students. Not everyone learns well in that system, and instead of adjusting the system for the needs of those students, we instead make the students adjust to fit within the system by punishing them, failing them, making them take Ritalin, etc.
But yes, I also agree that it's important that we teach students to think better...and if common core is designed to do that, then that's a good start. Honestly, when I went to school, nobody was taught how to think at all. We were basically told to memorize stuff as facts, and then recite as fact until the day we die. It's kind of fucked up, really.
No it isn't. It took me about thirty second to realize what Common Core was after looking at it.
It's preparation for going to the Metric System which we should have changed to over 25 years ago. The people that invented the retarded system we still measure with think it's retarded.
They're dead. And have been dead for the better part of two centuries.
“contrary to tradition and academic studies on reading and human formation Make creationism great again! Why don't we go all the way and teach everyone that the earth is 4000 years old while we're at it
Yes the quark epoch from nowhere theory is always a good one too. Something from nothing is a standard occurrence.
Make creationism great again!
Why don't we go all the way and teach everyone that the earth is 4000 years old while we're at it
Holy hell I didn't know what I was looking old school way of taking the denominator multiplying it by the whole number than adding the numerator came out fine everytime.
Some wanky graph they had this poor girl doing....I couldn't ever get the answer. I still feel bad for confusing the poor thing even worse
Maybe Race's daughter?
It's preparation for going to the Metric System which we should have changed to over 25 years ago. The people that invented the retarded system we still measure with think it's retarded.
Secondly it's to get kids used to binary math structure which is absolutely necessary for coding. Computers run everything and will be even more in control in the future. It's probably a sound idea to get the masses used to how they work.
We have to import most of our mathmeticians from places that aren't retarded about math. Let's keep our kids in the stone age. You don't have to pay stupid people much.
Fucking old men yelling at clouds.
Getting rid of it is a bad idea. Revamping it would be a tremendous idea.
There has to be a better way to educate students. Not everyone learns well in that system, and instead of adjusting the system for the needs of those students, we instead make the students adjust to fit within the system by punishing them, failing them, making them take Ritalin, etc.
But yes, I also agree that it's important that we teach students to think better...and if common core is designed to do that, then that's a good start. Honestly, when I went to school, nobody was taught how to think at all. We were basically told to memorize stuff as facts, and then recite as fact until the day we die. It's kind of fucked up, really.