Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Hey Pete, where's the DL you talked about?
1 interior DL in 2 years? Thought you said DL was most important piece to winning the Pac12 puzz?
Best get after SC tomorrow as Vea and Qualls might both be on the old puppy wagon (unused after the loss to WSU) right outta town, on a 4 week trip to philly for the NFL draft.
Who den Pete? Jaylen Johnson? Lattimore from Bellevue? Pretty Boy Ricky McCoy and his feather white headband (donated by tommy, with his perfume sent on it)? Anybody notice an interior dlinemen sign an LOI in the last 3 years? Tuipulotu is only the 2nd in 3 years...Baabs, what in all your wisdom do you think? Careful, this is your 1 chance, Out of 27000 tries, to post something coherent regarding UW football. Supposedly the reason youre here.
Qualls and Vea could both be gone. Steel2 I laughed when u said Vea could bolt pre-season. Good call. His CAL performance might have dumped him in the 1st round. I think he's top-5 in 18. No doubt. Will he stick 1 more year? Lets say Steel I think he will. Qualls? Prolly not, DT class not great.
If both go we might ass well wave a red flag...or checker-flag for the Nascar dudes here like J, Tommy (Hee hee )
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Pete's quote was from 2014. I would say he's recruited and developed the DL just fine.
Why is Gaines never mentioned for leaving early? He might be the best one.
1 binneland DL in 2 jaar? Dog jy sê DL was belangrikste stuk te wen van die Pac12 puzz?
Beste get na SC môre as VEA en Qualls kan beide op die ou hondjie wa (ná die nederlaag teen Wsu ongebruikte) reg outta dorp, op 'n 4 week reis na Philly vir die NFL ontwerp.
Wie den Pete? Jaylen Johnson? Lattimore van Bellevue? Pretty Boy Ricky McCoy en sy vere wit band (geskenk deur Tommy, met sy parfuum gestuur daarop)? Enigiemand sien 'n binne dlinemen teken 'n LOI in die laaste 3 jaar? Tuipulotu is slegs die 2 in 3 jaar ... Baabs, wat in al jou wysheid dink jy? Versigtig, dit is jou 1 kans Uit 27000 drieë, iets samehangende verband met JOU sokker plaas. Vermoedelik die rede julle hier.
Qualls en VEA kan beide weg wees. Steel2 Ek het gelag toe jy gesê VEA kon voorseisoense grendel. Goeie oproep. Sy CAL prestasie kan hom gestort in die 1ste rondte. Ek dink hy is bo-5 in 18. Geen twyfel. Sal hy hou nog 1 jaar? Kom ons sê Steel Ek dink hy wil. Qualls? Prolly nie, DT klas nie groot.
As albei gaan ons dalk ook esel waai 'n rooi vlag ... of checker vlag vir die Nascar dudes hier soos J, Tommy (Hee hee)