Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Fairly new Husky Fan, once I became SERIOUS about Husky football I was fully on the fire sark wagon and had no interest in the doogs at dawgman. So I've always been ignorant to all the dawgman bashing outside of listening to their garbage radio show every once in a blue moon and seeing dickus's screenshots before his kid got the crud.
So I decided to sign up for the free trial, not gonna give them a cent especially after what I've seen, but this I'm one thread into reading and it's downright embarrassing.
Everyone in the thread praising Sark's recruiting, including listing Psalm Wooching, Shane Brostek a bunch of 4th string DB's, and Connor Obrien as "impact" players who they left for the Petersen staff.
Kim immediately chimes in making fun of sark detractors, ektard agrees.
Cozzetto is listed as a "good coach"
Then a bunch of blaming Nick Holt claiming he was who held sark back all along.
carry on
9 ·
- ridiculed (despite having the evidence on your side);
- warned;
- given a timeout (like you're 6 years old)
- and finally banned.
It's a fucking Soviet-era newspaper, but with less interesting information. Why anyone is stupid enough to pay them money is beyond me.
Somebody who was once stupid enough to pay them money.
(No pasty chicks with tats.)
I would define anyone as stupid for subscribing to them prior to 2010ish.
And with all the stupid shit that's been said by those 3 entities over the last 15 years no one should be surprised that there are people calling them out on their bullshit...but I am surprised there aren't more and that's why all those fucksticks over there deserve another 0-12.
badge of honor
Dawgman.com produced a front-page editorial calling for Tyrone Willingham to be replaced — midway through his 4th and final season.
Now Griswold takes every opportunity to "remind" his paying subscribers (LOL) he was ahead of the curve on recognizing Willingham's incompetence.
I don't remember Kim creating a handle mourning the death of Huskie football on the day Ty was hired.