"Fact" checkers are doogs
Helps Trump IMOBut Cavuto himself picked up the thread post-debate on Fox Business Network, unearthing the clip Trump referenced, from January 28, 2003 – Nearly two months before the Iraq War began on March 20. In the video, Cavuto asks Trump how much time President Bush should spend on the economy vs. on Iraq.
“Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy,” Trump said. “They’re getting a little bit tired of hearing ‘We’re going in, we’re not going in.’ Whatever happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? Either do it or don’t do it.”
Trump continued: “Perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. And perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations.”
After the invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent fallout, Trump became a much stronger and far more vocal critic of the war.
“Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we’re in,” he said in an August 2004 issue of Esquire. “I would never have handled it that way…Two minutes after we leave, there’s going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he’ll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam [Hussein] didn’t have.”
Yet despite the Cavuto clip, and the ambivalence of Trump’s own on-the-fence answer during the 2002 Stern interview, post-debate fact-checkers nearly universally wrote that Trump had lied during the exchange with Holt.
Link something that shows he was clearly against the Iraq war before it started.
That's the lie he keeps telling.
Hope this helps
The Stern interview does not indicate his support.
Holt went all Candy Crowley. Lying liars and the liars they support. Pathetic
Also Trump called the aftermath of the Obama Clinton Doctrine in Iraq in 2004.
I can't believe it took me so long to realize that Trump is pumpy.
But I'm still curious why Trump is trying so hard to act like he was against the war the entire time. That does nothing but hurt him with his core constituency, and he really needs them.
If he keeps it up, some may decide to stay home and not vote on election day.
The only Republican Prez or VP that has endorsed Trump is Cheney... and the Iraq war was Cheney's pride and joy. If Trump continues to try and act like he knew it was a giant fucking mistake the entire time... well... it isn't too late for Cheney to withdraw his support.
I'm sure there are a lot of voters that are only voting for Trump because they would never vote anything other than Republican, but if Trump keeps pointing out what dumbshits Bush and Cheney were in that war... those voters might just stay home... because they might not want to vote for a guy that is so vocal about what a stupid fucking war that was that Bush and Cheney started. Just sayin.
Got it.
I'd double down on the the glyclosimin tonight if I were you.
Not that I care if Trump is too stupid to realize what he is risking.
It his similar to the fact that he is too stupid to realize that it doesn't do any good to build a wall when the drugs are brought in by tunnel.
Just wait till the daily tracking poll starts picking up post debate reaction. Trump. is. doomed.
And "lol" at the idea Dick Fucking Cheney has any influence on anyone.