England has been giving smack to junkies since the 70s. They don't have to steal your shit to get high.
Good for England. Seattle will fuck it up and make the problem worse. Guarantee that for every addict this gets off the street, two will arrive to take their place, just like the homeless crisis they'll slide this smack problem under the umbrella of.
Do you know what a Venn Diagram is?
In downtown Seattle this shit goes hand-in-hand. They usually are not mutually exclusive.
Carrot and stick approach. Seattle (and J, apparently) is embracing surrender and hope, because they can't stomach the stick part. They never follow through on anything, which you know if you simply read the papers. Compassion is exploited and laughed at by the urban campers poisoning and destroying our parks and woods, which includes many heroin addicts. I'm not going to spill my guts or brains on every step I'd take, but strict approaches are compassionate in their own right, if you want addicts to stop. Legalization is a different issue, dhdawg, and the way it looks with MJ, legal cartels are replacing the old illegal ones, so, while quality assurance may improve, it has it's own set of issues that keep the free market from doing it's thing. All production will wind up in the hands of a few oligarchs or corporations, just as soon as the lobbyists and politicians they pay cash their checks. Bank it.
Carrot and stick approach. Seattle (and J, apparently) is embracing surrender and hope, because they can't stomach the stick part. They never follow through on anything, which you know if you simply read the papers. Compassion is exploited and laughed at by the urban campers poisoning and destroying our parks and woods, which includes many heroin addicts. I'm not going to spill my guts or brains on every step I'd take, but strict approaches are compassionate in their own right, if you want addicts to stop. Legalization is a different issue, dhdawg, and the way it looks with MJ, legal cartels are replacing the old illegal ones, so, while quality assurance may improve, it has it's own set of issues that keep the free market from doing it's thing. All production will wind up in the hands of a few oligarchs or corporations, just as soon as the lobbyists and politicians they pay cash their checks. Bank it.
you aren't wrong. the cigarette industry is a good example. Ban it? no. But the regulation on it has been piss poor.
As for the proposed injection sites, if the money saved on healthcare outweighs the cost I'm good with it. Otherwise it's just a waste
It's Seattle, dude. Think "Pronto" and "10 year plan to end homelessness" and "Bertha" and "cost overruns." I.e., there will be no "savings" to point to. At best, it's a shell game. At worst, the problem just grows uncontrollably and mitigation efforts are unsustainable - in this city that just loves that fucking word.
Carrot and stick approach. Seattle (and J, apparently) is embracing surrender and hope, because they can't stomach the stick part. They never follow through on anything, which you know if you simply read the papers. Compassion is exploited and laughed at by the urban campers poisoning and destroying our parks and woods, which includes many heroin addicts. I'm not going to spill my guts or brains on every step I'd take, but strict approaches are compassionate in their own right, if you want addicts to stop. Legalization is a different issue, dhdawg, and the way it looks with MJ, legal cartels are replacing the old illegal ones, so, while quality assurance may improve, it has it's own set of issues that keep the free market from doing it's thing. All production will wind up in the hands of a few oligarchs or corporations, just as soon as the lobbyists and politicians they pay cash their checks. Bank it.
you aren't wrong. the cigarette industry is a good example. Ban it? no. But the regulation on it has been piss poor.
That's a whole different ball of wax. This issue is about dealing with a growing, dangerous, expensive, destructive problem in the most effective and moral manner.
In downtown Seattle this shit goes hand-in-hand. They usually are not mutually exclusive.