After pissing away your life on drugs, ripping off your family and destroying the natural environment with feces, trash and needles, the consequences are a free, safe, warm and dry place to shoot up and crash for several hours on my dime. Poor things. It's not their fault.
I understand the idea of not wanting to have people die ... I get that
But on the other hand, have these people considered the alternative message that is being sent here that it's perfectly ok to get hopped up on smack and all the things that come with it?
Perhaps the solution is an understanding that opioids in general are extremely dangerous and that we should be looking into alternative methods for relieving pain so that people don't get addicted to opioids to start with.
England has been giving smack to junkies since the 70s. They don't have to steal your shit to get high.
Good for England. Seattle will fuck it up and make the problem worse. Guarantee that for every addict this gets off the street, two will arrive to take their place, just like the homeless crisis they'll slide this smack problem under the umbrella of.
After pissing away your life on drugs, ripping off your family and destroying the natural environment with feces, trash and needles, the consequences are a free, safe, warm and dry place to shoot up and crash for several hours on my dime. Poor things. It's not their fault.
The best part? Mayor twinkle toes will probably put this shit up on Aurora instead of the police station that's supposed to be built but he delayed so the minority community is better represented in design decisions.
How many of you have ever been addicted to heroin?
What difference does it make?
Hi Hillary.
Touche. Answer?
You never answered my question in the first place. But troll on douchebag!
Don't go all cunty so fast, J. My answer is no. Your turn.
No? I asked how many, fuckass. If I knew how many I wouldn't have asked.
But I guess it's all fun and games if you've never seen the effects of crippling addiction.
I have seen it, J. In my own family. Which is why I disagree with enabling it while HOPING the addicts will seek treatment on their own. They won't. They don't. Gets them where you can't see them high anymore, which is success in the eyes of liberals. Masking and hiding problems, instead of solving them, is a liberal hallmark.
How many of you have ever been addicted to heroin?
What difference does it make?
Hi Hillary.
Touche. Answer?
You never answered my question in the first place. But troll on douchebag!
Don't go all cunty so fast, J. My answer is no. Your turn.
No? I asked how many, fuckass. If I knew how many I wouldn't have asked.
But I guess it's all fun and games if you've never seen the effects of crippling addiction.
I have seen it, J. In my own family. Which is why I disagree with enabling it while HOPING the addicts will seek treatment on their own. They won't. They don't. Gets them where you can't see them high anymore, which is success in the eyes of liberals. Masking and hiding problems, instead of solving them, is a liberal hallmark.
This might be a good time to ask how you'd solve the problem. It must not be easy to solve or it would have been done by someone somewhere already.
there is no solution to this. However if you were to legalize, tax and regulate it and open it up to the free market instead of the fucking drug cartels you'll get a cleaner and safer version of the drug (still bad I get it) and more tax revenue that can be put back in to preventative programs and education. people who don't use heroine now aren't gonna start using because it's legal. Are there still gonna be people who make bad choices and destroy their bodies? sure. will there be as many? doubt it.
Not necessarily a solution as Heroin is certainly not a drug should clearly be legal like marijuana, but our current system of prohibition sure as hell ain't solving anything.
it's oftentimes a specific chemical used in the drug and not the drug itself that is so damaging. Alcohol had the same problem back during prohibition when it too was made in bathtubs.
But on the other hand, have these people considered the alternative message that is being sent here that it's perfectly ok to get hopped up on smack and all the things that come with it?
Perhaps the solution is an understanding that opioids in general are extremely dangerous and that we should be looking into alternative methods for relieving pain so that people don't get addicted to opioids to start with.
But I guess it's all fun and games if you've never seen the effects of crippling addiction.
Are there still gonna be people who make bad choices and destroy their bodies? sure. will there be as many? doubt it.
Not necessarily a solution as Heroin is certainly not a drug should clearly be legal like marijuana, but our current system of prohibition sure as hell ain't solving anything.