Okay, this is 'garbage time'. Last possession of the half, basically a minute left after we go up 35-0. Budda is still balling out full speed.
Let's pick up the action when the pass was completed...
Time 1: Little Vandal fuckwad catches the pass, has basically the whole field open as all our guys are playing deep and can go anywhere he wants. Missile Budda has been launched and is rapidly approaching his target. But, instead of doing the fuck monkey shit that our defenses have done for so long—running to where people are at then tackling them from behind and pushing them downfield (see Psalm for many demonstrations of this)—he AGAIN is positioned in such a way where he is anticipating where the Vandal wants to go and already hacking that space down.
Time 2: Where the fuck is Budda running to? Oh, just the spot he knows the 'ho wants to go and now that kid has to change his momentum to try to avoid Budda (who is running to an empty space because he's a fucking genius).
Time 3: Okay, who's body language is in charge now? Budda has dictated the course of play and is now square and the fuckhead Vandal bitch is trying to figure a way out.
Time 4: Knowing exactly where the shit-for-brains Vandal wants to go, the COBRA strikes!
Time 5: The Cobra strikes, the Vandal gets the venom. Budda is a football genius.
Moving so fast in the first two pics that he's a fucking blur.
He had another open field tackle in that game that was even better on a pass to the flat where the back had a huge amount of space. Dropped the guy for a loss.
He is an Earl Thomas starter kit.
That play was amazing too. It was a swing pass to the tailback and he closed ten yards and tackled the guy for a loss on the play. He is a football genius. Dennis is right and Tequilla is an idiot.
it's more that your tryhard sperg rage that permeates every thread every hour of every day fatigues the whole bored IMO
Exactly this. I have only been reading this bored for like a year. I can't imagine how tired and played out his act is for you degeneratesmasochists idiots who have been here a lot longer.
Doogs hate facts.
Except mine ;(
Check yourself.
They even care about post voting and shit.
degeneratesmasochistsidiots who have been here a lot longer.