Minister that had the "brilliant" idea of inviting Trump to meet with their president has been forced to resign over the incident, after which Trump, as per his normal behavior, lied about the meeting's talking points.
But really Unless your talking about someone picking my fruits and veggies, bringing me an unbrella drink or watching scantily clad women on one of their crazy game shows....
But really Unless your talking about someone picking my fruits and veggies, bringing me an unbrella drink or watching scantily clad women on one of their crazy game shows....
I don't give a fuck about Mexico.
You might not care, but a lot of Trump supporters do.
They want him to build a wall covered with DDT to keep the illegals and the zika out, and they want Mexico to PAY FOR IT.
Apparently the guy you are voting for does, because he responded when they summoned him.
You said he was invited. So which is it?
Mexico made it look like an invitation to help Trump save face.
But it was a summons. Pretty clear to anybody that was paying attention.
The article you linked doesn't say that. And you said invited. Which time were you lying - when you said he was invited or when you claimed he was summoned?
But it was a summons. Pretty clear to anybody that was paying attention.
But really Unless your talking about someone picking my fruits and veggies, bringing me an unbrella drink or watching scantily clad women on one of their crazy game shows....
I don't give a fuck about Mexico.
They want him to build a wall covered with DDT to keep the illegals and the zika out, and they want Mexico to PAY FOR IT.
Minorities vote in the general election.
The tattered and torn race card doesn't work for white southern bitches who studied at the knee of Arkansas racists.