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Letter grade for the game



  • Dennis_DeYoung
    Dennis_DeYoung Member Posts: 14,754
    koopdog said:

    They couldn't run the ball. Sign of a weak offense.

    D looked pretty good but might be undisciplined. Hard to say.... Rutgers sucks

    To refute my earlier statement (and to apologize to @TierbsHsotBoobs slightly) the one thing I was expecting to see was Gaskin gashing them for 12 yds at a time effortlessly. That didn't happen. Agree its a concern.

    Yes, @Tequilla was right, I watched it again. 8 in the box at a minimum. They set up to stop Gaskin. So we beat them over the top.

    That's not a bad thing strategically. Show the rest of the fuckers that Brownsocks has an arm so play us straight up. I think a lot of you assclowns miss the strategic thinking in scrimmages.

    BUT, as a man, who I hope, has some integrity, I will say, even with 8 in the box, we should run over people. (It didn't work for Stanford in the 2nd half...holla!) But we should have been better on the run. @PurpleJ et al are correct.

    Overall. My boy Jake can hit the deep and scramble and throw as I predicted. Don't judge anything on the rest of the game. My boy Pete, strategic thinker that he is, took the opportunity to scrimmage. We gained more value in putting in 75th stringers than we would have by winning 105-3.

    Oh, and btw, Don James talked about 3 phases. Our special teams, to quote a skinny jean wearing midget are "special". And its not just fast dudes. That's coaching.

    So to quote Charlie Brown, "Be of Good cheer!"

    And @TierbsHsotBoobs is mostly right.

    I Tequillaed myself. I apologize.
    Thank you for your service.
  • dhdawg
    dhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    Janet Reno
    only doogs grade preseason scrimmages
  • phineas
    phineas Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 4,724 Swaye's Wigwam
  • BennyBeaver
    BennyBeaver Member Posts: 13,346
    Over/under on Don James mentions?
  • Gladstone
    Gladstone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 16,417 Founders Club
    MisterEm said:

    special teams - all facets=

  • NeGgaPlEaSe
    NeGgaPlEaSe Member Posts: 5,729
    edited September 2016
    My god Joe Mathis Sucks, dude was pancaked every other play. He offer no edge heat at all
  • MisterEm
    MisterEm Member Posts: 6,685
    Gladstone said:

    MisterEm said:

    special teams - all facets=

  • Dawgs4ever
    Dawgs4ever Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2016

    No run game, no pass rush, almost threw (should have been) a pick 6 just before halftime. Same Jonathan Smith bullshit playcalling.

    Took 2 special teams TDs to make the game look like a blowout.