Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
Clearly the solution is moar guns for the robbers.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Yeah, things will be great when criminals have black market illegal hand guns (because they are criminals, after all) and homeowners are no longer allowed to own guns by the Nanny state.
If all the good people had guns this whole crime thing would get sorted out pretty f'ing fast! Permanently rehabilitate criminals from home!
You clearly are a liberal trying to make conservatives look bad.
Come on by I'll drop you off in a nice friendly liberal neighborhood.
Sounds like you are scared of liberals.
Nope I've spent lots of time there, you'll be fine. I wouldn't call them liberals really more like oportunistic collectivism you'll love the place. It's all about redistribution of wealth. A popular theme this election season.
If all the good people had guns this whole crime thing would get sorted out pretty f'ing fast! Permanently rehabilitate criminals from home!
You clearly are a liberal trying to make conservatives look bad.
Come on by I'll drop you off in a nice friendly liberal neighborhood.
Sounds like you are scared of liberals.
Almost forgot Hondo you Huff Po said people shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves against another trying to kill them. It denies the criminal of his constitutional right to a fair trial. It takes a real special kind of stupid to come up with that one.
Idiot brought a knife to a gun fight.
Lower prop taxes for me.
And my pussy neighbors can LEAVE!