Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
iDawg and I made Little Jimmy Cornell and we can break him. RoadDawg is cool with me and my guess is he won't last as a lackey lapdoog very long. I'll surely not miss Chest telling us how Petermen's 4-5 is better than Sark's 5-4 due to advanced doogalytics.
If this program was any good and doing shit like actually winning real games there would be no need for the fascist assholes at the Dub to clamp down on dissidents. Its not like Seattle is lacking in lapdoog media members who spout bullshit for a living.
Wrong year to sell out to the Establishment fellas. #FeeltheBern #Trump!
For years real halfbrains have made a killing betting against UW and making all sorts of apparent wild predictions of shit that always come to pass. Why would anyone be interested in the people who have been wrong every step of the way and are now all in on Tits Cohen and Petermen before they even have a winning record here?
Indie bands that sell out quickly realize why they weren't mainstream. Their appeal was narrow but hit the mark. Trying to join the herd is a bad idea so there will be no phony Nebraska classy encouragement from this grizzled scribe.
Fuck the police. Fight the power. Derek made you guys and now you want to shit on him. I don't see that as a Karmic plus for you.
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@HeretoBeatmyChest and the guys were seeking to be known as the official Hardcore Husky podcast, while we chose to not make an official partnership @DerekJohnson went out of his way to help them along as an ally and friend while actively providing an outlet to post links to their podcasts.
@DerekJohnson will keep it classy and wish them the best and say that @HeretoBeatmyChest is just doing what he thinks is best and no hard feelings, but that is just DJ's Nebraska classiness.
The reality is that they used this website, posters, and platform as a stepping stool and the second they had access to anyone as unimportant as Adam Jude they started to sell out.
I imagine that if TSIO podcast ever gets a similar following the AD will come calling to @Tequilla and @CokeGreaterThanPepsi offering teen boy access in exchange for control.
"no upper campus to coattail too..." Fuck off
And now this.
I'm shaking and about to vomit...
Don't ignore Tyrone's heroic efforts to assist in making me. I still have Bud Withers article taped on the wall bedside.
This place needed more chests and roadies, less old man Bannon's and FatJ's.
Simple fact.
before noon on a friday?
do you have a job, Mr. Lebowski? are you employed, sir?