Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Great coach? Yes, I really do think so. Perfect? No. But a great motivator, a solid recruiter and as passionate a leader as you will find. My 'hate' for him would have slowly subsided once the bitterness faded, but it would have taken a while. But when Steve the man headed for rock bottom, I put that all aside. Husky nation put that aside. Sarkisian only coached UW for five seasons, but I saw so many comments along the lines of "Once a Husky, always a Husky. Get better Sark."
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But now, if he ever makes it back, Husky fans will cheer him. I know I will. Regardless of the way he left UW. Despite the ugliness of his breakup with USC.
Yeah, none of those things! HTH
oncetwicerepeatedly removed.Love Sark
He brought hope back to a sad and moribund football program.
To this day, the home loss to LSU is one of my favorite games.
what a fucking loser, just a fucking joke, i wish the aids would finish him off.
That article & various comments are just a reminder of how the work of correcting a fucktarded fanbase is not over.
But I'm classy like that.
Get better Sark.
The opening drive of that game was a thing of beauty. And in true Husky fashion it just kept going downhill from there
jesus christ.