Why the fuck Kenneth Starr didn't use a grand jury to indict hie muther fucker I'll never know.
He was impeached. With a president, it's a different process. Not to mention, in the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit if he said he did have sexual relations with her. That's none of your business who he fucks.
But you always do lack perspective. And clearly prefer your presidents to lie about reasons for destroying a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Why the fuck Kenneth Starr didn't use a grand jury to indict hie muther fucker I'll never know.
He was impeached. With a president, it's a different process. Not to mention, in the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit if he said he did have sexual relations with her. That's none of your business who he fucks.
But you always do lack perspective. And clearly prefer your presidents to lie about reasons for destroying a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
The perspective is that he lied to a grand jury and got impeached and disbarred. We like to pretend that no one is above the law, even a democratic president.
He did not get impeached for having sex and had he not lied under oath it would have gone away.
Why the fuck Kenneth Starr didn't use a grand jury to indict hie muther fucker I'll never know.
He was impeached. With a president, it's a different process. Not to mention, in the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit if he said he did have sexual relations with her. That's none of your business who he fucks.
But you always do lack perspective. And clearly prefer your presidents to lie about reasons for destroying a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
The point was not whether he had sex. Though arguably dipping one's pen in the company ink rarely ends well -especially when he had hotties like Gina Gershon to bust a nut on instead.
The point was he lied about it. That's NEVER going to end well.
Irregardless, I can never get my brain around Bill knocking it with Monica. She was a 5 back then. Maybe. POTUS should go no lower than a 9. They're the fucking leader of the free world for Christ sake.
Why the fuck Kenneth Starr didn't use a grand jury to indict hie muther fucker I'll never know.
He was impeached. With a president, it's a different process. Not to mention, in the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit if he said he did have sexual relations with her. That's none of your business who he fucks.
But you always do lack perspective. And clearly prefer your presidents to lie about reasons for destroying a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
The point was not whether he had sex. Though arguably dipping one's pen in the company ink rarely ends well -especially when he had hotties like Gina Gershon to bust a nut on instead.
The point was he lied about it. That's NEVER going to end well.
Irregardless, I can never get my brain around Bill knocking it with Monica. She was a 5 back then. Maybe. POTUS should go no lower than a 9. They're the fucking leader of the free world for Christ sake.
The primary impeachment charges were perjury and obstruction of justice, basically lying to a federal grand jury and being part of a cover up. The bar "convicted" him (disbarred him) but the senate lacked the political will to convict, so he basically skated.
The broader point that seems to have gotten lost in this thread is the allegations of sexual assault. This has nothing to do with lying about consensual sex, but rather allegations of rape. If there is substantive evidence of this, he should have his ass in a wringer, but then again, true or not, I doubt anyone would corroborate the allegations. The privilege of power is very strong in the Clintons. IMO, whether D2D is trolling for Honda's or not, this is a non-starter.
The other point is Hillary' role in the clean up squad to intimidate the women into silence and her role in the smear of the women.
Tweeting that women need to be believed opens her up to that.
The dems would love to narrow it down to Bill and Monica because that in itself is not a Hillary issue and they can just say - nothing to see here. Bill isn't running
The other point is Hillary' role in the clean up squad to intimidate the women into silence and her role in the smear of the women.
Tweeting that women need to be believed opens her up to that.
The dems would love to narrow it down to Bill and Monica because that in itself is not a Hillary issue and they can just say - nothing to see here. Bill isn't running
Hondo, like most libtards, was likely abused as a child and has rape fantasies as an adult.
Why do you hate rape fantasies?
I don't. I'm just not on the bottom in mine.
There's nothing hotter than a woman craving you so much that she throws you down and sits on you until she cums.
Clearly you've never had that.
There was a girl that used to take advantage of me when I was drunk in college. Who knows what we did.
Who knows if it was really a girl.
I hung out with her sober a few times. Fuck that shit. Rather get raped when blacked out and have to worry about whether I used a rubber than that. Bitch was nuts to keep coming back. I'm probably horrible in bed when I'm wasted.
But you always do lack perspective. And clearly prefer your presidents to lie about reasons for destroying a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people.
He did not get impeached for having sex and had he not lied under oath it would have gone away.
The point was he lied about it. That's NEVER going to end well.
Irregardless, I can never get my brain around Bill knocking it with Monica. She was a 5 back then. Maybe. POTUS should go no lower than a 9. They're the fucking leader of the free world for Christ sake.
The broader point that seems to have gotten lost in this thread is the allegations of sexual assault. This has nothing to do with lying about consensual sex, but rather allegations of rape. If there is substantive evidence of this, he should have his ass in a wringer, but then again, true or not, I doubt anyone would corroborate the allegations. The privilege of power is very strong in the Clintons. IMO, whether D2D is trolling for Honda's or not, this is a non-starter.
Tweeting that women need to be believed opens her up to that.
The dems would love to narrow it down to Bill and Monica because that in itself is not a Hillary issue and they can just say - nothing to see here. Bill isn't running
But, yeah....still kind of only ok on the uber-hot POTUS caliber scale. Definitely better than Monica but Bill could have banged a lot better.