Hondo, like most libtards, was likely abused as a child and has rape fantasies as an adult.
Why do you hate rape fantasies?
I don't. I'm just not on the bottom in mine.
There's nothing hotter than a woman craving you so much that she throws you down and sits on you until she cums.
Clearly you've never had that.
There was a girl that used to take advantage of me when I was drunk in college. Who knows what we did.
Who knows if it was really a girl.
I hung out with her sober a few times. Fuck that shit. Rather get raped when blacked out and have to worry about whether I used a rubber than that. Bitch was nuts to keep coming back. I'm probably horrible in bed when I'm wasted.
Clearly you've never had that.
You just libeled the former POTUS.
I've taken screenshots and sent them to the Secret Service.
Expect to hear from Bill's lawyer asap. He doesn't have to TAKE this.
SEAL team 6 is probably on their way to your double wide.
Yer fukin ded kiddo.