Fitting you plagiarized pup on this topic. You and boobs are 1, bed buddies forever. 80hrs/week on HH , 20 together joined at hip, or joined together like dogs in heat. Get the hose out for seperation.
Not sure how a rice dick like yours J can get enlodged in Boobies torn rectum, but it happens. When I was a kid my parents weener dog got stuck in a dog twice his size. With you at a metrosexual 120lbs and boobie at a sloppy 240, I see how.
Was perusing the classics threads.
Not sure how a rice dick like yours J can get enlodged in Boobies torn rectum, but it happens. When I was a kid my parents weener dog got stuck in a dog twice his size. With you at a metrosexual 120lbs and boobie at a sloppy 240, I see how.
Sugar Steve wishes he could just see his.