Should've just baked them a shitty cake. Word would spread like wildfire through the gay community and bodda-bing, problem solved. BTW, you won't read it in the shitty press, but the bakery owners apparently did some retaliatory stuff, like posting the couples contact info on the web, which led to harassment via e-mails & phone, etc. I don't know the percentages, but as I understand, a large portion of the fine was for those related, retaliatory acts that happened during the shit-storm.
How much of the fine goes to help the homos vs the state of oregon public employee pensions?
@DHHi: I don't know. Should we move onto annoying-bullying Service Dog owners? Seems like with every well-intended law we pass, we create a new class of abusive assholes, aside from those who genuinely need or benefit from them.
@DHHi: I don't know. Should we move onto annoying-bullying Service Dog owners? Seems like with every well-intended law we pass, we create a new class of abusive assholes, aside from those who genuinely need or benefit from them.
I'm not being an abusive asshole when I claim PUMP MY GAS, DUCK!
I'm not torn at all. Fuck those money grubbing activist dykes. Bake them a cake and shove it up their ass. I hope they get killed by falling commercial aircraft parts. Assholes.
If I own a business and I cannot conduct business with who I want, based on religious views, then I don't live in America. Burn it all down.
It's head asplode time that a small business could be fined like this, for this. This isn't a public institution (hi marriage license lady in bumfuck kentucky or wherever), let the free market take its turn.
When I was a kid, I remember reading signs in small businesses that said "We reserve the right to refuse service to anybody."
I'm sure HondaFS is prepping his "pawz is a racist bigot rant", but this is truly a blight on the future of our youth and how we teach them to respond responsibly to adversity.
What's with the Honda obsession?
You are what's wrong with America.
A dumb, gullible piss ant that is mindlessly doing the work of someone who has a lot more to lose than you ever will. All under the guise of doing the lord's work for the little guy, who you inadvertently shackle and enslave in perpetuity. Useful idiot indeed.
It's head asplode time that a small business could be fined like this, for this. This isn't a public institution (hi marriage license lady in bumfuck kentucky or wherever), let the free market take its turn.
When I was a kid, I remember reading signs in small businesses that said "We reserve the right to refuse service to anybody."
I'm sure HondaFS is prepping his "pawz is a racist bigot rant", but this is truly a blight on the future of our youth and how we teach them to respond responsibly to adversity.
What's with the Honda obsession?
You are what's wrong with America.
A dumb, gullible piss ant that is mindlessly doing the work of someone who has a lot more to lose than you ever will. All under the guise of doing the lord's work for the little guy, who you inadvertently shackle and enslave in perpetuity. Useful idiot indeed.
Nice rant. But your perception of reality is off.
The couple that was awarded money only wanted money, they didn't want a cake. What I don't get is what damages were imposed on the couple? But whatever, I only read the headline.
I'm not torn at all. Fuck those money grubbing activist dykes. Bake them a cake and shove it up their ass. I hope they get killed by falling commercial aircraft parts. Assholes.
If I own a business and I cannot conduct business with who I want, based on religious views, then I don't live in America. Burn it all down.
They should have been fined for fucking with a Mom and Pop in the first place and fined again for being too stupid to just go to Costco for a cake.
It's head asplode time that a small business could be fined like this, for this. This isn't a public institution (hi marriage license lady in bumfuck kentucky or wherever), let the free market take its turn.
When I was a kid, I remember reading signs in small businesses that said "We reserve the right to refuse service to anybody."
I'm sure HondaFS is prepping his "pawz is a racist bigot rant", but this is truly a blight on the future of our youth and how we teach them to respond responsibly to adversity.
What's with the Honda obsession?
You are what's wrong with America.
A dumb, gullible piss ant that is mindlessly doing the work of someone who has a lot more to lose than you ever will. All under the guise of doing the lord's work for the little guy, who you inadvertently shackle and enslave in perpetuity. Useful idiot indeed.
Nice rant. But your perception of reality is off.
The couple that was awarded money only wanted money, they didn't want a cake. What I don't get is what damages were imposed on the couple? But whatever, I only read the headline.
I'm not torn at all. Fuck those money grubbing activist dykes. Bake them a cake and shove it up their ass. I hope they get killed by falling commercial aircraft parts. Assholes.
If I own a business and I cannot conduct business with who I want, based on religious views, then I don't live in America. Burn it all down.
They should have been fined for fucking with a Mom and Pop in the first place and find again for being too stupid to just go to Costco for a cake.
I do think there is probably some legal precedence for that. My thinking being free speech is limited to disallowing such things as yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie house (thus inciting panic).
Same concept here. If the couple KNEW these cakebakers were deeply religious and/or were told 'this is against our religious beliefes'...yet, the lesbos STILL insisted on making them do something that goes against their freedoms, that doesn't seem right.
It's kind of like this. The fuckers were warned not to persist. They deserve what comes next: Make way, bitches.
If I own a business and I cannot conduct business with who I want, based on religious views, then I don't live in America. Burn it all down.
Same concept here. If the couple KNEW these cakebakers were deeply religious and/or were told 'this is against our religious beliefes'...yet, the lesbos STILL insisted on making them do something that goes against their freedoms, that doesn't seem right.
It's kind of like this. The fuckers were warned not to persist. They deserve what comes next: Make way, bitches.