OP, you came to the right place. I happen to know a guy named Bleenor who really has his finger on the pulse of the AD, I will mention it to him, and he will make sure to get the info in the right people's hands. In Walla Walla. Week before last.
How big is his cock? I know you've seen it on "accident". Share with us. The teen boy stalkers here might want to suck it before he every plays a down in college.
So between Psalm's dad posting the "highlight" video, Kentrells dad pressuring him away from UW, and now this kids dad trying to fight us at 7/11... Dads suck this week.
PurpleJ I am 6'5" 260 lbs. Former Army Ranger and college basketball player. You really don't want any in real life. You are little more than a cowardly pussy.
If so, pics???
P.S. Cisco? Of the Coney Island bum wine Ciscos?
Why do you want to send him out west? Too soft for SEC football?
BTW - 3.9 GPA already scored enough on the ACT as a 9th grader to be eligible. o all you dickheads, yes you know who you are, STFU.
How the fuck did I miss this thread?