I'm an alcoholic and you don't see me fucking Joey waitresses behind my girls back. I also don't show up to work drunk. Enjoy unemployment Sark, you suck shit.
Though I can't blame you on cheating on your wife. She looks like a horse. Woof.
An experienced alcoholic never shows up to work drunk, but leaves work drunk.
I'm an alcoholic and you don't see me fucking Joey waitresses behind my girls back. I also don't show up to work drunk. Enjoy unemployment Sark, you suck shit.
Though I can't blame you on cheating on your wife. She looks like a horse. Woof.
An experienced alcoholic never shows up to work drunk, but leaves work drunk.
I'm an alcoholic and you don't see me fucking Joey waitresses behind my girls back. I also don't show up to work drunk. Enjoy unemployment Sark, you suck shit.
Though I can't blame you on cheating on your wife. She looks like a horse. Woof.
BRUTAL! Nice personality, maybe? Big orbs, but lawn-darty.
I'm an alcoholic and you don't see me fucking Joey waitresses behind my girls back. I also don't show up to work drunk. Enjoy unemployment Sark, you suck shit.
Though I can't blame you on cheating on your wife. She looks like a horse. Woof.
An experienced alcoholic never shows up to work drunk, but leaves work drunk.
He's suing for wrongful termination. If he hadn't been terminated and decided to drink himself to the point of being terminally ill, he could have sued the school for not taking action.