Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
I gave spare ticket to BYU coworker
and BYU coworker is STOKED OUT OF HIS MIND11!!!111eleven!!!
As intense as SEC! SEC! football is, it is like religion, but it is not religion. I have been told that BYU-Utah is the weirdest, oddest rivalry in the country, and I am starting to believe it. Remember when the President of their church had a sit down with Ngata and told him he needed to go to his 3rd choice school, because going to either BYU or Utah would destroy half his family? I saw #MyTigers play Mississippi last Saturday, and it was more about Khaki shorts than hating your opponent.
It is sad that our loudest supporters today will likely bleed blue and not PURPLE, but as long as they our cheering for us (us?), I don't care.
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Grand Illusion is a fucking masterwork front to back. Castle Walls? Are you fucking kidding me? Miss America?
That record is full of great material. Crystal Ball has fucking Shooz on it for Dick's sake.
Sounds like they went to Oregon.