how on one hand can they talk about how great this staff is, and then call them out for going conservative and ruining any momentum the offense had down to a tee?
That 3rd and 5 is an obvious two down situation with how much time is on the clock and how many possessions we have left (assuming the D can hold up after playing most of the game against the most physical line in the Pac). Run it, you might pop it or get 3-4 to give yourself a chance on 4th and short. Really upsetting stuff.
This offense is a fucking abomination. There is no punishment ever thought up by the most sadistic monk in the 1300s that would suit Babushka. He should be tortured for fucking years.
I don't think Peterman was happy with that screen either by his reaction. I hope he strangles Smith post game.
Too late to tell him no racist crap, right?