Fucking christ. Does anyone have any paxil, lithium, abilify, buspro, xanax, lexapro, welburtrin, klonopin, and some more meds I can take to make me numb to the fact we suck and WILL suck for at least 4 more years?
Btw, if there's a news story of a young adult who just turned 32, walked into oncoming traffic on Interstate 81in bumfuck, PA this morning at 1:53am. He was revived at the scene but died on the way to the hospital...just know that was me.
Gaskin has 8 rushes for 41 yards. 5.1 per rush
How the fuck have there been more passes BY THE FUCKING BACK UP QB than Gaskin runs?
#Wooshing #Wiffing
At least this game is flying by.
Btw, if there's a news story of a young adult who just turned 32, walked into oncoming traffic on Interstate 81in bumfuck, PA this morning at 1:53am. He was revived at the scene but died on the way to the hospital...just know that was me.