These cocksuckers have really gone to far. I read some of the things ISIS does to my Islamic friends and they think they are disgusting pigs and not very nice... I AGREE.
Yet another hilariously and badly scripted false flag operation! Autumn says she is not sure how, but she was able to escape, however she remembers everything else, proving the girl is a Marxist operative playing her part in this little Marxist false flag drama.
This false flag operation, as with the myriad other recent spike of private aircraft false flag "accidents", is to be used as another pretext warranting the closing of air travel by private aircraft. Private aircraft can be modified for military purposes to strafe and bomb, and transport combatants, which would seriously impede an invasion of the United States by Chinese soldiers from Mexico, after the Marxist government in China fakes its collapse, subsequent to which Mexico will request of 'democratic' China soldiers to combat the then spreading manufactured "drug wars".
Not one political party in the West requested verification of the collapse of the USSR, and the media failed to alert your attention to this fact, including the "alternative" media. When determining whether the "former" USSR is complying with arms control treaties, what does the United States do to confirm compliance? Right, the United States sends into the "former" USSR investigative teams to VERIFY compliance, yet when it's the fate of the West that's at stake should the collapse of the USSR be a ruse, what does the United States do to confirm the collapse? Nothing!
The fraudulent "collapse" of the USSR (and East Bloc) couldn't have been pulled off until both political parties in the United States (and political parties elsewhere in the West) were co-opted by Marxists,* which explains why verification of the “collapse” was never undertaken by the West, such verification being (1) a natural administrative procedure (since the USSR wasn’t occupied by Western military forces); and (2) necessary for the survival of the West. Recall President Reagan's favorite phrase, "Trust, but verify".
It gets worse--the "freed" Soviets and West also never (1) de-Communized the Soviet Armed Forces of its Communist Party officer corps, which was 90% officered by Communist Party members; and (2) arrested/de-mobilized the 6-million vigilantes that assisted the Soviet Union's Ministry of the Interior and police control the populations of the larger cities during the period of "Perestroika" (1986-1991)!
Yet another hilariously and badly scripted false flag operation! Autumn says she is not sure how, but she was able to escape, however she remembers everything else, proving the girl is a Marxist operative playing her part in this little Marxist false flag drama.
This false flag operation, as with the myriad other recent spike of private aircraft false flag "accidents", is to be used as another pretext warranting the closing of air travel by private aircraft. Private aircraft can be modified for military purposes to strafe and bomb, and transport combatants, which would seriously impede an invasion of the United States by Chinese soldiers from Mexico, after the Marxist government in China fakes its collapse, subsequent to which Mexico will request of 'democratic' China soldiers to combat the then spreading manufactured "drug wars".
Not one political party in the West requested verification of the collapse of the USSR, and the media failed to alert your attention to this fact, including the "alternative" media. When determining whether the "former" USSR is complying with arms control treaties, what does the United States do to confirm compliance? Right, the United States sends into the "former" USSR investigative teams to VERIFY compliance, yet when it's the fate of the West that's at stake should the collapse of the USSR be a ruse, what does the United States do to confirm the collapse? Nothing!
The fraudulent "collapse" of the USSR (and East Bloc) couldn't have been pulled off until both political parties in the United States (and political parties elsewhere in the West) were co-opted by Marxists,* which explains why verification of the “collapse” was never undertaken by the West, such verification being (1) a natural administrative procedure (since the USSR wasn’t occupied by Western military forces); and (2) necessary for the survival of the West. Recall President Reagan's favorite phrase, "Trust, but verify".
It gets worse--the "freed" Soviets and West also never (1) de-Communized the Soviet Armed Forces of its Communist Party officer corps, which was 90% officered by Communist Party members; and (2) arrested/de-mobilized the 6-million vigilantes that assisted the Soviet Union's Ministry of the Interior and police control the populations of the larger cities during the period "Perestroika" (1986-1991)!
So tell me this. If we were to fully destroy the Soviet Union like you say we could have and should have, just what the fuck would fill that power vacuum? And who would babysit the Nuke arsenal?
How do you think China would have reacted to that?
Do you really think that we had the manpower to occupy the USSR and set up our own Democracy in an area so large, populated and far away.
If we do what you think we should have, The nuclear arsenal would have been commandeered by a slew of Milosevic like crackpots and the Earth would probably be a nuke wasteland now.
No we continued to do what knocked the wall down. Starve their Economy until they do what we want them to.
Yet another hilariously and badly scripted false flag operation! Autumn says she is not sure how, but she was able to escape, however she remembers everything else, proving the girl is a Marxist operative playing her part in this little Marxist false flag drama.
This false flag operation, as with the myriad other recent spike of private aircraft false flag "accidents", is to be used as another pretext warranting the closing of air travel by private aircraft. Private aircraft can be modified for military purposes to strafe and bomb, and transport combatants, which would seriously impede an invasion of the United States by Chinese soldiers from Mexico, after the Marxist government in China fakes its collapse, subsequent to which Mexico will request of 'democratic' China soldiers to combat the then spreading manufactured "drug wars".
Not one political party in the West requested verification of the collapse of the USSR, and the media failed to alert your attention to this fact, including the "alternative" media. When determining whether the "former" USSR is complying with arms control treaties, what does the United States do to confirm compliance? Right, the United States sends into the "former" USSR investigative teams to VERIFY compliance, yet when it's the fate of the West that's at stake should the collapse of the USSR be a ruse, what does the United States do to confirm the collapse? Nothing!
The fraudulent "collapse" of the USSR (and East Bloc) couldn't have been pulled off until both political parties in the United States (and political parties elsewhere in the West) were co-opted by Marxists,* which explains why verification of the “collapse” was never undertaken by the West, such verification being (1) a natural administrative procedure (since the USSR wasn’t occupied by Western military forces); and (2) necessary for the survival of the West. Recall President Reagan's favorite phrase, "Trust, but verify".
It gets worse--the "freed" Soviets and West also never (1) de-Communized the Soviet Armed Forces of its Communist Party officer corps, which was 90% officered by Communist Party members; and (2) arrested/de-mobilized the 6-million vigilantes that assisted the Soviet Union's Ministry of the Interior and police control the populations of the larger cities during the period "Perestroika" (1986-1991)!
So tell me this. If we were to fully destroy the Soviet Union like you say we could have and should have, just what the fuck would fill that power vacuum? And who would babysit the Nuke arsenal?
How do you think China would have reacted to that?
Do you really think that we had the manpower to occupy the USSR and set up our own Democracy in an area so large, populated and far away.
If we do what you think we should have, The nuclear arsenal would have been commandeered by a slew of Milosevic like crackpots and the Earth would probably be a nuke wasteland now.
No we continued to do what knocked the wall down. Starve their Economy until they do what we want them to.
Sure, the JV team has chemical weapons now, but still...
Good thing their president they elected has as much spine as a jellyfish.
This false flag operation, as with the myriad other recent spike of private aircraft false flag "accidents", is to be used as another pretext warranting the closing of air travel by private aircraft. Private aircraft can be modified for military purposes to strafe and bomb, and transport combatants, which would seriously impede an invasion of the United States by Chinese soldiers from Mexico, after the Marxist government in China fakes its collapse, subsequent to which Mexico will request of 'democratic' China soldiers to combat the then spreading manufactured "drug wars".
Not one political party in the West requested verification of the collapse of the USSR, and the media failed to alert your attention to this fact, including the "alternative" media. When determining whether the "former" USSR is complying with arms control treaties, what does the United States do to confirm compliance? Right, the United States sends into the "former" USSR investigative teams to VERIFY compliance, yet when it's the fate of the West that's at stake should the collapse of the USSR be a ruse, what does the United States do to confirm the collapse? Nothing!
The fraudulent "collapse" of the USSR (and East Bloc) couldn't have been pulled off until both political parties in the United States (and political parties elsewhere in the West) were co-opted by Marxists,* which explains why verification of the “collapse” was never undertaken by the West, such verification being (1) a natural administrative procedure (since the USSR wasn’t occupied by Western military forces); and (2) necessary for the survival of the West. Recall President Reagan's favorite phrase, "Trust, but verify".
It gets worse--the "freed" Soviets and West also never (1) de-Communized the Soviet Armed Forces of its Communist Party officer corps, which was 90% officered by Communist Party members; and (2) arrested/de-mobilized the 6-million vigilantes that assisted the Soviet Union's Ministry of the Interior and police control the populations of the larger cities during the period of "Perestroika" (1986-1991)!
The military could hire the designers of the old Electronic Arts game series, Command and Conquer for the game plan.
Put me in, coach!
How do you think China would have reacted to that?
Do you really think that we had the manpower to occupy the USSR and set up our own Democracy in an area so large, populated and far away.
If we do what you think we should have, The nuclear arsenal would have been commandeered by a slew of Milosevic like crackpots and the Earth would probably be a nuke wasteland now.
No we continued to do what knocked the wall down. Starve their Economy until they do what we want them to.