I respect a college coach more for doing that to an immature 19 yr old than a pro coach and gm who suspend a 30 yr old for similar violations just for p.r. purposes- when two years ago they would have swept it under the rug.
I respect a college coach more for doing that to an immature 19 yr old than a pro coach and gm who suspend a 30 yr old for similar violations just for p.r. purposes- when two years ago they would have swept it under the rug.
I respect a college coach more for doing that to an immature 19 yr old than a pro coach and gm who suspend a 30 yr old for similar violations just for p.r. purposes- when two years ago they would have swept it under the rug.
Nothing quote like suspending a player during summer break to show how dedicated you are toward doing things the right way.