Kearae would be a good 3rd wr by league standards.
Baldwin is just as good as any of these other slot guys that put up huge numbers. Never going to have the volume of passes though.
Exactly. So he's not a legitimate 1st WR.
Case closed. Soccer wins.
In our program he is.
Golden Tate took his legit ass to Detroit, and the Hawks keep rolling along with Kearse and Baldwin. At a half mil toward the cap, he's a bargain.
So take your 8-15 million dollar a year "legitimate 1st WR" and get the fuck out. Don't need that guy here. We need that coin for guys like KJ Wright and Cliff Avril and we're going to need lots of it for Russ. Kearse is doing just fine and soccer is just as lame as it was before this thread started.
Kearae would be a good 3rd wr by league standards.
Baldwin is just as good as any of these other slot guys that put up huge numbers. Never going to have the volume of passes though.
Exactly. So he's not a legitimate 1st WR.
Case closed. Soccer wins.
In our program he is.
Golden Tate took his legit ass to Detroit, and the Hawks keep rolling along with Kearse and Baldwin. At a half mil toward the cap, he's a bargain.
So take your 8-15 million dollar a year "legitimate 1st WR" and get the fuck out. Don't need that guy here. We need that coin for guys like KJ Wright and Cliff Avril and we're going to need lots of it for Russ. Kearse is doing just fine and soccer is just as lame as it was before this thread started.
Ever heard of a salary cap flea? You fucking 12's dont get it.
Kearae would be a good 3rd wr by league standards.
Baldwin is just as good as any of these other slot guys that put up huge numbers. Never going to have the volume of passes though.
Exactly. So he's not a legitimate 1st WR.
Case closed. Soccer wins.
In our program he is.
Golden Tate took his legit ass to Detroit, and the Hawks keep rolling along with Kearse and Baldwin. At a half mil toward the cap, he's a bargain.
So take your 8-15 million dollar a year "legitimate 1st WR" and get the fuck out. Don't need that guy here. We need that coin for guys like KJ Wright and Cliff Avril and we're going to need lots of it for Russ. Kearse is doing just fine and soccer is just as lame as it was before this thread started.
Kearae would be a good 3rd wr by league standards.
Baldwin is just as good as any of these other slot guys that put up huge numbers. Never going to have the volume of passes though.
Exactly. So he's not a legitimate 1st WR.
Case closed. Soccer wins.
In our program he is.
Golden Tate took his legit ass to Detroit, and the Hawks keep rolling along with Kearse and Baldwin. At a half mil toward the cap, he's a bargain.
So take your 8-15 million dollar a year "legitimate 1st WR" and get the fuck out. Don't need that guy here. We need that coin for guys like KJ Wright and Cliff Avril and we're going to need lots of it for Russ. Kearse is doing just fine and soccer is just as lame as it was before this thread started.
Ever heard of a salary cap flea? You fucking 12's dont get it.
He's done some good things but is replaceable. I clearly remember the announcers speculating as to whether he would even make the team in the 2013 preseason. Granted they had Tate and Rice back then, and an injured Harvin.
Jeg glemmer aldri første gang jeg så Gronk spike en fotball .... Den enestående kraft av sin touchdown dans: ". Den Gronk 'Det jettisoned jiggling bånd av elektrisk gelé gjennom kroppen min og smeltet mine knær som to pads av margarin -turned meg på raskere og gjorde meg våtere enn på noe annet tidspunkt i livet mitt annet enn mitt bryllup natt.
Plutselig, alt jeg ville gjøre var å se Gronk gjøre sitt thang-thang i sonen sted der. Skjeden min krevde det.
Gronk løfter fotball i hånden og spikes det med slik vold ballen lanserer 50 meter opp i luften ... Silky bånd av juice glede vingle gjennom mine nethers. Mine brystvorter herde under genseren min ... Fingrene mine ta en avstikker til forsiden av buksene mine. Jeg sikkerhetskopiere mot døren til mitt kjøkken og vask hendene mine hele veien ned foran mine truser inn i min varme fitte og begynne rasende gni min klitoris.
Jeg ville snike seg bort til et mørkt hjørne av biblioteket og fyre opp en datamaskin. Jeg vil google info på Gronkowski, sjekk hans statistikk, lese hans bio, se noen videoer, deretter gni en ut akkurat der og da i biblioteket-la jiggly bånd av lady-sensualitet cavort på kroppen min, kvele meg, svelge meg hel og utslette meg i sin rosa og roiling.
Jeg skjønner quilt var en dårlig idé. Fordi jeg er slem nå; det er problemet ... Gronk hender er på ballen og hendene mine er på min bankende fitte ... Jeg begynner å onanere hemmelighet rett der i hiet omgitt av min mann og hans venner. Hva kan jeg si? Synet av Gronk velte små forsvarere som leketøy soldater sender erotiske spenningen opp og ned ryggraden min. "
Se på meg, ungh, dele min egen søm, oohh ... går dypt. Du liker hvordan jeg jobber min slot-mottaker, som et stramt slutten. Som Gronkowski ...
Akkurat da ballen kommer flygende ut av Gronk hånd ... Foran hele landet, Gronk sin spike virkninger rett mellom mine butt-kinn. Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal forklare nøyaktig hva som skjedde med meg siden det var så utenomjordisk. Det er egentlig ingen regnskap for det. Men jeg kan fortelle deg at det føltes fantastisk. Gronkowski ball slipper løs en regnbue av følelse i hele kroppen min. Pleasure skyter magisk i alle retninger som en eksplosjon av gnister. Det jettisons jiggling bånd av glede til alle deler av kroppen min. Det føles som om jeg blir knullet av en stampeding horde av sjørøverne.
Russell Wilson is ranked #1 in passing efficiency in the NFL according to ESPN, today. Kearse is #5 and Baldwin ranked #44. Seahawks are a passing team.
Bumped just to note, the Seahawks are going to the SUPERBOWL thanks to a Russell Wilson PASS to Kearse.
I've heard of it.
Are you asking for a reason?