You're thinking of Hindenburg. Once Hindenburg left the Nazi program you had a lot of instability among the assistants like Ernst Roehm and Heinrich Himmler, and Rudolf Hess went to England without a contract. You could really tell that staff cohesion had gone to shit. Mind you, Goering was still a beast in the weight room, but still...
The Nazi coaches certainly did pay a lot of attention to bloodlines and had their own preferred recruiting hotbeds (Nuremberg Poly, Manstein Prep, Northern European countries with a lot of whiteys)
If Hitler played here in 2014 he'd be transferring now because Petermen is too damn tough
Those would be some interesting tweets I'm sure
I'm out z'all. CCCP is a total fascist and my final solution is to get ze fuck out. Final farewell party tonite! It's gonna be tight (no jews or darkies)!
BTW, if you google "Hitler Couch", it comes up with a surprising # of pictures