Sark- "Well, more than 7 wins would be great, but it's really about the journey and the memories you make. That's what it's all about and that's why I love coaching college football."
I hate that term. It just means it's not his money. But it is my money. I was and I am still shocked he said that. It's an incredibly stupid mentality that ultimately leads to failure. And it becomes acceptable. Recently, someone on KJR said Sark might be a victim of his own early success. He's not. He's a victim of not pushing forward to take the next step when it's available.
what success? He won the Holiday Bowl and seemed to think he won the Super Bowl. Heck, they set up a page on Gohuskies of championships in the sark era.
what success? He won the Holiday Bowl and seemed to think he won the Super Bowl. Heck, they set up a page on Gohuskies of championships in the sark era.
Derek just summed up everything that is wrong with Husky Football.
what success? He won the Holiday Bowl and seemed to think he won the Super Bowl. Heck, they set up a page on Gohuskies of championships in the sark era.
Passion could be funny sometimes. I probably didn't appreciate his posts enough
He caught more than he dropped?
LOL. I bet my buddy it would take less than 5 minutes for some meat head to come back with NO factual arguments, but make this a personal thing or some BS about people being too "PC."
Passion could be funny sometimes. I probably didn't appreciate his posts enough
He caught more than he dropped?
LOL. I bet my buddy it would take less than 5 minutes for some meat head to come back with NO factual arguments, but make this a personal thing or some BS about people being too "PC."
Sark- "Well, more than 7 wins would be great, but it's really about the journey and the memories you make. That's what it's all about and that's why I love coaching college football."
Jesus, you were really scraping the bottom of the journalistic barrel back in 2013 Derek.