1. The men's VB game is much better to watch than women's. 2. The women's VB players are much better to watch. 3. Men that play VB are loved by the women that your ass drools over.
1. The men's VB game is much better to watch than women's. 2. The women's VB players are much better to watch. 3. Men that play VB are loved by the women that your ass drools over.
Women love basketball players, football players, baseball players, rappers, rock stars, rich guys, rich guys, and rich guys. Volleyball players are pretty far down the list.
3. Men that play VB are loved by the women that your ass drools over.
Women love basketball players, football players, baseball players, rappers, rock stars, rich guys, rich guys, and rich guys. Volleyball players are pretty far down the list.
In the spirit of things, SC did lose 3 straight games that match... so that matches up pretty well.
1. The men's VB game is much better to watch than women's.
2. The women's VB players are much better to watch.
3. Men that play VB are loved by the women that your ass drools over.
My headboard laughs at you.