I'm hearing that UW's academies are too elite for JC xfers.
that's what I've always hearing.
Not too elite, just a weird transfer fit for many of the JC programs out there. Its really too bad as it seems like it could help.
It would probably help if the state of washington had any good JC programs... the last one I recall getting a kid from was in Walla Walla I think and that was back in the 90s... can't remember his name or if he panned out but I think he was the kid that had a murder felony on his record (he was in a car during a crime in which somebody was killed).
Cory Dillon was a JC transfer... I think Rick also got a stud JC receiver that ended up transferring due to lack of playing time or something...
All this time it's been a Community college PE credits that's prevented UW from being able to compete in the PACn.
Who knew.
You mean... If I gotta go the JC route because I was too stupid or too lazy (abundance?) to get C's in high school... I can't just play ping pong all day for two years and call it good?
If UW was serious about developing a legit JC program, they would do it. They could council players and get them placed at JC's and work with the guidance office at JC to ensure the kid is on a course pathway to UW in 2 years. It ain't that hard.
If UW was serious about developing a legit JC program, they would do it. They could council players and get them placed at JC's and work with the guidance office at JC to ensure the kid is on a course pathway to UW in 2 years. It ain't that hard.
You don't get it. Placing guys are JC's is a risk because you may not want them in two years, and if they are good, they will have a bunch of other schools after them. It's a waste of time. If UW was serious about JC's they would start a PE major and ensure that JC players had an easy time getting in. They don't and so UW isn't an option for very many JC guys.
It would probably help if the state of washington had any good JC programs... the last one I recall getting a kid from was in Walla Walla I think and that was back in the 90s... can't remember his name or if he panned out but I think he was the kid that had a murder felony on his record (he was in a car during a crime in which somebody was killed).
Cory Dillon was a JC transfer... I think Rick also got a stud JC receiver that ended up transferring due to lack of playing time or something...
horse. shit.
Who knew.
Kids out of jc with ping pong degrees deserve to be left out in the cold.
The NFL gave him his Masters in his chose profession.
The Patriots made it a PhD.