And beelzebub thinks this wazzu team is worth a fuck, fucking retard.
I love idiots who mouth off during a game. Lol
How many times have you opened your faggot mouth this year about UW losing to the likes of Cal, Colorado, etc and have been wrong again? Kill yourself. Congrats, watershed moment for the Cuogs as they go 3-whatever. Riley deserves to get shit-canned after losing to the likes of you urchins.
OSU has a "no negativity zone" where Mannion's family sits and they've got Taylor Swift jammin' as the hype music before taking the kick-off. WTF?!
I hear that the halftime show is produced by Tony Robbins and Richard Simmons.
Falk looks to be the better QB (better than Halliday AND Mannion).
Do you think WAZZU is worth a fuck? They aren't.