No one has said uw doesn't have issues. That is pretty obvious
And those issues are the reasons that will make it tough for them to win. Which is the opposite of when you say there is "no reason" they can't wil. There are plenty of them that need to be overcome.
I find it humorus that you bring up UCLA when you failed at home against the same Stanford team that has a O-line about as good as ASU, but an overall worst offense with a number of issues from running back to recievers. ASU is at least in the top three in the conference and to say our QB is a big down grade from Mariotta is dreaming. Kelly before the injury was top ten and Berc is light years better than anything on your roster having thrown for over 1400 yards against three ranked teams in his first starting role. Stanford came in the #1 defense in the country but Husky fans still like to think you play defense at the same level or higher? The ONLY advantage for the purple team in this game is home field. New system and first year coaches , players that are injured or not bought into the system, and you have just lost badly to Oregon. Where is the progress for this team and what decent team have you people beat so far? ASU is a veteran team on offense with a very good back in Foster that I see nothing that compares with his ability. Strong may be the best WR in the country. At least the Devils can point to defensive improvement on the road and at home with a young defense recently. This board on the other hand is in semi-melt down and confidence is in short supply but bluff is every where.
Christ. Before the Stanford game everyone, probably even your homer ass agreed that ASU's defense sucked. Now you hold them to 10 and you think your defense is fine.
The UCLA game gets brought up because it happened. The USC game happened too. Your defense has been mostly shoddy all season. It had one good game against Stanford. That doesn't mean it is suddenly good.
I find it humorus that you bring up UCLA when you failed at home against the same Stanford team that has a O-line about as good as ASU, but an overall worst offense with a number of issues from running back to recievers. ASU is at least in the top three in the conference and to say our QB is a big down grade from Mariotta is dreaming. Kelly before the injury was top ten and Berc is light years better than anything on your roster having thrown for over 1400 yards against three ranked teams in his first starting role. Stanford came in the #1 defense in the country but Husky fans still like to think you play defense at the same level or higher? The ONLY advantage for the purple team in this game is home field. New system and first year coaches , players that are injured or not bought into the system, and you have just lost badly to Oregon. Where is the progress for this team and what decent team have you people beat so far? ASU is a veteran team on offense with a very good back in Foster that I see nothing that compares with his ability. Strong may be the best WR in the country. At least the Devils can point to defensive improvement on the road and at home with a young defense recently. This board on the other hand is in semi-melt down and confidence is in short supply but bluff is every where.
Christ. Before the Stanford game everyone, probably even your her ass agreed that ASU's defense sucked. Now you hold them to 10 and you think your defense is fine.
The UCLA game gets brought up because it happened. The USC game happened too. Your defense has been mostly shoddy all season. It had one good game against Stanford. That doesn't mean it is suddenly good.
Stanford isn't exactly a powerhouse on offense either. If they go down early like they did against ASU they are pretty much done.
I find it humorus that you bring up UCLA when you failed at home against the same Stanford team that has a O-line about as good as ASU, but an overall worst offense with a number of issues from running back to recievers. ASU is at least in the top three in the conference and to say our QB is a big down grade from Mariotta is dreaming. Kelly before the injury was top ten and Berc is light years better than anything on your roster having thrown for over 1400 yards against three ranked teams in his first starting role. Stanford came in the #1 defense in the country but Husky fans still like to think you play defense at the same level or higher? The ONLY advantage for the purple team in this game is home field. New system and first year coaches , players that are injured or not bought into the system, and you have just lost badly to Oregon. Where is the progress for this team and what decent team have you people beat so far? ASU is a veteran team on offense with a very good back in Foster that I see nothing that compares with his ability. Strong may be the best WR in the country. At least the Devils can point to defensive improvement on the road and at home with a young defense recently. This board on the other hand is in semi-melt down and confidence is in short supply but bluff is every where.
You are completely delusional. Kelly is accurate and efficient, he isn't close to mariotta, who is gonna be the #1 overall pick for a reason
Kelly is still a top ten QB and you have one of the worst QB problems, if the not the worst in the whole conference and it shows. Seems I read on the PAC 12 Blog the Dawgs stat wise are the botton on offense? ASU does not need the #1 draft pick and even with a 2nd string back up starting against UCLA, USC, and Stanford the offense did well. You lost to Stanford and please tell me you would be favored agasint USC and UCLA? Washington is good for usually one loss at home each season but this might be the year the trend is bucked with three. Petersen is such a good coach I can definately see the Devils going down, but the problems of the Sark era still hurt this team and replacing Sankey and Price. You are dreaming if you think ASU's young defense has not improved by looking at Stanford as just one game.
Kelly is still a top ten QB and you have one of the worst QB problems, if the not the worst in the whole conference and it shows. Seems I read on the PAC 12 Blog the Dawgs stat wise are the botton on offense? ASU does not need the #1 draft pick and even with a 2nd string back up starting against UCLA, USC, and Stanford the offense did well. You lost to Stanford and please tell me you would be favored agasint USC and UCLA? Washington is good for usually one loss at home each season but this might be the year the trend is bucked with three. Petersen is such a good coach I can definately see the Devils going down, but the problems of the Sark era still hurt this team and replacing Sankey and Price. You are dreaming if you think ASU's young defense has not improved by looking at Stanford as just one game.
I think ASU has a pretty good team. ASU is a good program and Graham is a good coach. Everyone here thinks it will be a tough game.
It would be pretty hard for your defense not to improve after UCLA. Your defense has been good for one game. One! Stanford is no offensive juggernaut either. You don't have a good defense. It's not shit talking, it's a fact. You are Section14AFS if you think it's going to be smooth sailing with your defense the rest of the way.
If UW starts Williams, I think they have a better chance this week at least. ASU has a young defense, that makes a lot of mistakes. The problem with Miles is that he lacks the confidence needed to take advantage of that. Williams on the other hand might throw two picks, but he'll also make some big plays down field. If Miles starts, ASU wins 31-20, If Williams starts UW wins not rather easily say, 33-30.
Kelly is still a top ten QB and you have one of the worst QB problems, if the not the worst in the whole conference and it shows. Seems I read on the PAC 12 Blog the Dawgs stat wise are the botton on offense? ASU does not need the #1 draft pick and even with a 2nd string back up starting against UCLA, USC, and Stanford the offense did well. You lost to Stanford and please tell me you would be favored agasint USC and UCLA? Washington is good for usually one loss at home each season but this might be the year the trend is bucked with three. Petersen is such a good coach I can definately see the Devils going down, but the problems of the Sark era still hurt this team and replacing Sankey and Price. You are dreaming if you think ASU's young defense has not improved by looking at Stanford as just one game.
UCLA isn't good. I wouldn't be surprised if we are favored against them at home. They are a borderline interception call from maybe being 1-3 in conference. And while USC is probably a better team than we are. USC thoroughly outplayed you and then choked it away at the end. One of the worst choke jobs all year long. Your performance against Stanford was impressive though
Nobody has stopped Jalen Strong this season, he is a man among boys. Foster is a very good back in both running and catching, he will impact this game. Did you see the comparison of the two teams on the PAC 12 Blog, with ASU being a contender and your team trying to save a season on the down turn? I think they called it the Directional Bowl. Petersen will get it done over the long term but a focused team effort is not the way I would describe Washington right now.
UCLA has a number of good wins on the road and Hundley is elite. If not good, what would that say if you lost to them, which I think happens? Now, Cal and Colorado are not good.On talent alone, I would not bet on that game. So some of you think you win in LA against the Trojans with your awesome D line. Buck Allen would own the Dawgs just like Oregon did with a much better line blocking. Your young secondary would limit any advantage your front seven has but I give you ten points for Sark's coaching. Nobody has stopped Jalen Strong this season, he is a man among boys. Foster is a very good back in both running and catching, he will impact this game. Did you see the comparison of the two team on the PAC 12 Blog, with ASU being a contender and your team trying to save a season on the down turn. I think they called it the Directional Bowl. Petersen will get it done over the long term but a focused team effort is not the way I would describe Washington right now.
That is all true but the line is -3.5 so it's pretty much a pick 'em game. I'm not feeling all that great about the Huskies right now but let's not pretend Saturday's outcome is a foregone conclusion in favor of ASU.
Nobody has stopped Jalen Strong this season, he is a man among boys. Foster is a very good back in both running and catching, he will impact this game. Did you see the comparison of the two teams on the PAC 12 Blog, with ASU being a contender and your team trying to save a season on the down turn? I think they called it the Directional Bowl. Petersen will get it done over the long term but a focused team effort is not the way I would describe Washington right now.
Nobody has stopped Jalen Strong this season, he is a man among boys. Foster is a very good back in both running and catching, he will impact this game. Did you see the comparison of the two teams on the PAC 12 Blog, with ASU being a contender and your team trying to save a season on the down turn? I think they called it the Directional Bowl. Petersen will get it done over the long term but a focused team effort is not the way I would describe Washington right now.
Sounds like Strong will be the best player on the field. Enough said on that.
An embarrassing amount of pressing from SD76 in this thread. You just hate to see that kind of posting, but it happens when someone gets mad on the Internet from time to time.
The UCLA game gets brought up because it happened. The USC game happened too. Your defense has been mostly shoddy all season. It had one good game against Stanford. That doesn't mean it is suddenly good.
It would be pretty hard for your defense not to improve after UCLA. Your defense has been good for one game. One! Stanford is no offensive juggernaut either. You don't have a good defense. It's not shit talking, it's a fact. You are Section14AFS if you think it's going to be smooth sailing with your defense the rest of the way.
Your performance against Stanford was impressive though
Being a top ten QB (within the P12) is not that difficult. You just need to be better than two other QBs. And, I agree, Kelly might just be one.