I like that they think you guys left Dawgman because you supported Ty when everyone else hated him. Revisionist history much?
Also, why the hate for the Yugoslavian cell phone?
by the sound of their audio it sounds like they are doing it from one of their mother's basements. That being said I wonder why they go through all the effort just to trash a webpage they perceive as their rival, but Dawgman is vastly superior and they actually get information relevant to the program.
I like that they think you guys left Dawgman because you supported Ty when everyone else hated him. Revisionist history much?
Also, why the hate for the Yugoslavian cell phone?
by the sound of their audio it sounds like they are doing it from one of their mother's basements. That being said I wonder why they go through all the effort just to trash a webpage they perceive as their rival, but Dawgman is vastly superior and they actually get information relevant to the program.
I like that they think you guys left Dawgman because you supported Ty when everyone else hated him. Revisionist history much?
Also, why the hate for the Yugoslavian cell phone?
by the sound of their audio it sounds like they are doing it from one of their mother's basements. That being said I wonder why they go through all the effort just to trash a webpage they perceive as their rival, but Dawgman is vastly superior and they actually get information relevant to the program.
He's got that part correct. The day Ty was fired HillsboroBoobs registered "WeWereAFootballSchool" in protest of upper campus' lynching of a coach on his way to a perfect season. The rest of us poasted our support Sven and Ty, and those pekkkerwoods purged their ranks of halfbrains.
Jesus Christ! SupercanuckFS has started this little campaign of his to bash DJ & HCH, while condemning DJ & HCH for bashing Kimmy G. I can't stand hypocrites. He's a pussyfaggotginer and I wouldn't hold that against him as much as I do for the shit-for-brains being a hypocrite.
He must get teabagged by Kimmy G on a regular basis.
He is twisting, trying to stick all of us in a pigeon's hole. I never vote Republican, but neither do I vote for the Dems. Leave me out of your political girl fight! Sharknado my ass. This is some communists vs nazis tornado fire storm shit, man. Don't twist.
Also, why the hate for the Yugoslavian cell phone?
Nobody was harder on Ty than Kim.
Does he poast here?
I never thought there'd be anyone stupider than CougReaper but he's getting close.
He's Canadien. Thuper Canadien.
Thanks for athking.
He must get teabagged by Kimmy G on a regular basis.
He is twisting, trying to stick all of us in a pigeon's hole. I never vote Republican, but neither do I vote for the Dems. Leave me out of your political girl fight! Sharknado my ass. This is some communists vs nazis tornado fire storm shit, man. Don't twist.
He did a noble thing opening this asylum so they would have place to go