the key point is that Sark's best play calls are in the red zone when some pussy is on the line and all that college football head coach shit is simply positioning himself to get some more pussy at local watering holes.
the key point is that Sark's best play calls are in the red zone when some pussy is on the line and all that college football head coach shit is simply positioning himself to get some more pussy at local watering holes.
So you're saying the Armenian Dude Brah delivers in the clutch?
mangimp.would've been perfect with the bill beanie
bitches love bill beanies
Try a search for "Erin Andrews keyhole video" and see if your computer explodes.
Someone with the photoshop skillz could have a field day with putting 3DB pics in that video.
I think it worked for me once, but it was Bartles & James...Keep in mind this was the pre-Zima era, times were tough
What a cool day to be Sark, brah.