On more than one occasion I walked into the boys room to find idiots making themselves pass out. Guess it's better than my dad. He told me when he was a kid they used to climb trees, make themselves pass out and fall out of the tree.
Do the cool kids still refer to dodge ball as smear the queer or has pc claimed another great American tradition?
You and I apparently played a different game. Smear the queer was where one kid gets the football and all the others chase him down and gang tackle him (set up for an easy FIFY). He picks himself off the turf and throws it to someone else. If they're man enough, dumb enough, or craving it enough to catch it then the game starts over.
My favorite hazing game was shirtless airsoft gun fights.
Do tell, oh wise one.
Pics or GTFO.
I don't keep pics of such things handy. But here is an example from google of the injuries inflicted...
But basically it involves airsoft guns and whatever scenarios your fucktard teenage minds could come up with. It's like paintball, expect the guns shoot little plastic balls. There are no winners in this game.
It was the 90's but I remember smear the queer and dodgeball being two different games.
This. Dodgeball was dodgeball, and smear the queer was where 20 guys would chase one guy with a football and then beat his ass until he fumbled, and then they'd chase the dipshit that picked it up and beat his ass. Repeat until the end of recess, or until the playground cunt tells you to stop.
I miss this game. Wearing my logging caulk boots changed the equation of this game quite a bit in my favor. I tried to tell someone about this game recently and she was horrified. I didn't get laid. Oops.
Captain Planet had to fuck everything up for everyone.
It was the 90's but I remember smear the queer and dodgeball being two different games.
Yes. When I was in grade school (early 70s in Seattle) we called dodgeball "soak'em", not really sure how it was spelled. We had an open gym before school and during lunch, and played it all the time. Fun as hell.
Smear the queer was something we played at football practice while waiting for the coaches to arrive... and was as described by previous posters.
On purpose.
Pics or GTFO.
But basically it involves airsoft guns and whatever scenarios your fucktard teenage minds could come up with. It's like paintball, expect the guns shoot little plastic balls. There are no winners in this game.
Are you new?
Captain Planet had to fuck everything up for everyone.
Smear the queer was something we played at football practice while waiting for the coaches to arrive... and was as described by previous posters.
I was always partial to the Leisure Suit Larry franchise