someone send him a link to this place. we need more fans of other schools coming here to chip in their worthless 2 cents. i still remember back in 2009 or w/e it was, when the old hhb bored was filled with equally jaded WVU fans. most of them had been banned from the WVU scout bored, and they were some funny motherfuckers. they even had their own WVU deviant bored
this place has shaggybevo potential, and it's far funnier and has far less dead weight.
... and then they run over here and read what we have to say about it... hi, Kim!... but the funniest part is, tLPT convenes and actually plots their next bidness move based on what random shit gets posted here.
... and then they run over here and read what we have to say about it... hi, Kim!... but the funniest part is, tLPT convenes and actually plots their next bidness move based on what random shit gets posted here.
How many times do they have to read about what petty little sacks of shit they are? How many times do they have to come here to realize that they have always been wrong? They keep repeating the same mistakes, which means they are fucking insane.
... and then they run over here and read what we have to say about it... hi, Kim!... but the funniest part is, tLPT convenes and actually plots their next bidness move based on what random shit gets posted here.
How many times do they have to read about what petty little sacks of shit they are? How many times do they have to come here to realize that they have always been wrong? They keep repeating the same mistakes, which means they are fucking insane you are fucking insane for expecting anything different.
... and then they run over here and read what we have to say about it... hi, Kim!... but the funniest part is, tLPT convenes and actually plots their next bidness move based on what random shit gets posted here.
How many times do they have to read about what petty little sacks of shit they are? How many times do they have to come here to realize that they have always been wrong? They keep repeating the same mistakes, which means they are fucking insane you are fucking insane for expecting anything different.
So you're surprised that some out here are surprised?
this place has shaggybevo potential, and it's far funnier and has far less dead weight.
Thread. Poof. Went.
No warning, just poof.
Somewhere there a UGA fan wondering wtf?
(Nice to meet you, Kim!)