Steilacoom, University Place, Ruston, Old Town, Proctor District, Fircrest are all amazing places, and the good news is if you're a Sr. NCO or Officer type you can afford to live anywhere in Tacoma area.
Completely avoid Lacey, Puyallup, Spanaway, Parkland, and Yelm. They're full of Joes, fake cowboys, meth, Ramtha, and @TommySQC And they lack chowder bread bowls.
If you don't mind driving a bit, Brown's Point is great. Lots of rich Milf sloots in yoga pants walking their shit-zoos.
Go to the Harvester for breakfast. Try the Harmon for the $3 steak night and the coldest craft beer in town. Make sure to visit the glass museum and the Point Defiance Zoo. Tillicum has $1 Asian Buffet. You can ride the Sounder to downtown Seattle. And the Ruston Way Ram has a "Cancer and Rickshaw" special where for 15.99 you can have all you can eat and a rickshaw ride to the site of the former Asarco Smelter.
There's lots of tricks to navigating through the Ft. Lewis (I refuse to bow down to that stupid JBLM fucking term) traffic. Feel free to PM myself or @TommySQC for details, we have the South side/ Ft. Lewis living thing dialed in.
Oh yeah, and @RoadDawg55 - your military friends weren't typical. Most CONUS Army installations are in the Deep South, and actually being close to a decent city is rare for the Army. Maybe they were Fayettetards, and worshiped the Division and airborne hooah and all that crap. Fuck them.
I don't jump out of airplanes without a compelling reason and I try to keep my personal brainwashing to a mimimum, thus I avoid FT Bragg.
My other choices are garden spots like Killeen, TX, Leesville, LA, or Dothan, AL. The south Sound is a fucking gift from Providence. Hope this one pans out and I actually get my orders in hand.
Oh yeah, and @RoadDawg55 - your military friends weren't typical. Most CONUS Army installations are in the Deep South, and actually being close to a decent city is rare for the Army. Maybe they were Fayettetards, and worshiped the Division and airborne hooah and all that crap. Fuck them.
I don't jump out of airplanes without a compelling reason and I try to keep my personal brainwashing to a mimimum, thus I avoid FT Bragg.
My other choices are garden spots like Killeen, TX, Leesville, LA, or Dothan, AL. The south Sound is a fucking gift from Providence. Hope this one pans out and I actually get my orders in hand.
This. Ft. Lewis is by far and away one of the more desirable sought after posts. My Soldiers that have hated it have been sister fucker types from Alabama or Texas that either hate the fact that we don't have 98% humidity and water moccasins, or miss the meetings where they can wear white. K, I'm speaking in hyperbole but not much.
I'm a PNW kid and my first 3 stops were Ft. Hood (got there just a couple of weeks after the Luby's Massacre and it was open), Ft. Irwin (Mojave Desert....fuck me...just fuck me with a rusty claymore) and Ft. Polk, Louisianna. I got sent back to Ft. Lewis in the late 90s and thought I was in fucking heaven.
Oh yeah, and @RoadDawg55 - your military friends weren't typical. Most CONUS Army installations are in the Deep South, and actually being close to a decent city is rare for the Army. Maybe they were Fayettetards, and worshiped the Division and airborne hooah and all that crap. Fuck them.
I don't jump out of airplanes without a compelling reason and I try to keep my personal brainwashing to a mimimum, thus I avoid FT Bragg.
My other choices are garden spots like Killeen, TX, Leesville, LA, or Dothan, AL. The south Sound is a fucking gift from Providence. Hope this one pans out and I actually get my orders in hand.
This. Ft. Lewis is by far and away one of the more desirable sought after posts. My Soldiers that have hated it have been sister fucker types from Alabama or Texas that either hate the fact that we don't have 98% humidity and water moccasins, or miss the meetings where they can wear white. K, I'm speaking in hyperbole but not much.
I'm a PNW kid and my first 3 stops were Ft. Hood - shit hole; only the proximity to Austin makes it tolerable (got there just a couple of weeks after the Luby's Massacre and it was open), Ft. Irwin - absolute shit hole; you'd interact with more people if you were living on the moon (Mojave Desert....fuck me...just fuck me with a rusty claymore) and Ft. Polk, Louisianna - Not too many places worse than this. I got sent back to Ft. Lewis in the late 90s and thought I was in fucking heaven.
Some of you idiots should have joined the Navy. Stationed in Pensacola, Jacksonville, Bremerton, Whidbey Island, Lemoore CA (shithole), Rhode Island, DC and Annapolis, MD. Not all of them were great, but they beat most of the shitholes you find Army bases. Plus, you get to go out to sea with dudes. A lot.
Some of you idiots should have joined the Navy. Stationed in Pensacola, Jacksonville, Bremerton, Whidbey Island, Lemoore CA (shithole), Rhode Island, DC and Annapolis, MD. Not all of them were great, but they beat most of the shitholes you find Army bases. Plus, you get to go out to sea with dudes. A lot.
Some of you idiots should have joined the Navy. Stationed in Pensacola, Jacksonville, Bremerton, Whidbey Island, Lemoore CA (shithole), Rhode Island, DC and Annapolis, MD. Not all of them were great, but they beat most of the shitholes you find Army bases. Plus, you get to go out to sea with dudes. A lot.
The one constant is the dudes part. That's pretty much spot-on. It's a veritable sausage-fest on the open seas. There's a 75% probability that I'm in that picture somewhere....probably on the bottom.
Fuckin swabbies. Once upon a time I was in a joint training environment at Eglin AFB, FL. Some chowderhead marines were getting on my nerves. It's fun to call them "shipmate." They really dig that and we were all great pals afterwards.
I like Navy guys. They try to make you feel like they suffer for their country by "deploying" aboard ships, though. Army deployment- 12 months in shithole, no beer, getting shot at/rocketed daily. Navy "deployment" 6 months on a boat with hot chow and high speed internet, with occasional port calls at places full of sloots.
Submarines do suck. Cannot imagine sharing my cot with another dude and sleeping in shifts
Some of you idiots should have joined the Navy. Stationed in Pensacola, Jacksonville, Bremerton, Whidbey Island, Lemoore CA (shithole), Rhode Island, DC and Annapolis, MD. Not all of them were great, but they beat most of the shitholes you find Army bases. Plus, you get to go out to sea with dudes. A lot.
The one constant is the dudes part. That's pretty much spot-on. It's a veritable sausage-fest on the open seas. There's a 75% probability that I'm in that picture somewhere....probably on the bottom.
Olympia 7
Steilacoom, University Place, Ruston, Old Town, Proctor District, Fircrest are all amazing places, and the good news is if you're a Sr. NCO or Officer type you can afford to live anywhere in Tacoma area.
Completely avoid Lacey, Puyallup, Spanaway, Parkland, and Yelm. They're full of Joes, fake cowboys, meth, Ramtha, and @TommySQC And they lack chowder bread bowls.
If you don't mind driving a bit, Brown's Point is great. Lots of rich Milf sloots in yoga pants walking their shit-zoos.
Go to the Harvester for breakfast. Try the Harmon for the $3 steak night and the coldest craft beer in town. Make sure to visit the glass museum and the Point Defiance Zoo. Tillicum has $1 Asian Buffet. You can ride the Sounder to downtown Seattle. And the Ruston Way Ram has a "Cancer and Rickshaw" special where for 15.99 you can have all you can eat and a rickshaw ride to the site of the former Asarco Smelter.
There's lots of tricks to navigating through the Ft. Lewis (I refuse to bow down to that stupid JBLM fucking term) traffic. Feel free to PM myself or @TommySQC for details, we have the South side/ Ft. Lewis living thing dialed in.
So stick that in your Sammamish discipline hole or whatever the fuck and smoke it.
I don't jump out of airplanes without a compelling reason and I try to keep my personal brainwashing to a mimimum, thus I avoid FT Bragg.
My other choices are garden spots like Killeen, TX, Leesville, LA, or Dothan, AL. The south Sound is a fucking gift from Providence. Hope this one pans out and I actually get my orders in hand.
I'm a PNW kid and my first 3 stops were Ft. Hood (got there just a couple of weeks after the Luby's Massacre and it was open), Ft. Irwin (Mojave Desert....fuck me...just fuck me with a rusty claymore) and Ft. Polk, Louisianna. I got sent back to Ft. Lewis in the late 90s and thought I was in fucking heaven.
The one constant is the dudes part. That's pretty much spot-on. It's a veritable sausage-fest on the open seas.
There's a 75% probability that I'm in that picture somewhere....probably on the bottom.
I like Navy guys. They try to make you feel like they suffer for their country by "deploying" aboard ships, though. Army deployment- 12 months in shithole, no beer, getting shot at/rocketed daily. Navy "deployment" 6 months on a boat with hot chow and high speed internet, with occasional port calls at places full of sloots.
Submarines do suck. Cannot imagine sharing my cot with another dude and sleeping in shifts
And you get to spend a lot of time getting to know other guys, again like prison. Come to think of it....
Tumwater 16, Capital 3
Looks like you should move to Tumwater if football scores are any indicator.